Similarities between Italian and Catalan Portolans Catalan chart

a part of majorcan map called catalan atlas . copied catalan atlas wiki page

portolan , catalan maps share characteristic windrose networks, emanate out compass roses located @ various points on map. these better called windrose lines, generated observation , compass, , designated lines of bearing (though not confused modern rhumb lines, meridians or isoazimuthals).

portolan , catalan maps characterized accuracy of inland features, lines of latitude/longitude , specially lack of map projection, cartometric investigation has revealed no projection used in portolans. understand straight lines drawn on map should better called windrose lines , 1 has know can loxodromes (modern rhumblines) if chart on suitable projection.

as leo bagrow states: ..the word ( rhumbline ) wrongly applied sea-charts of period, since loxodrome gives accurate course when chart drawn on suitable projection. cartometric investigation has revealed no projection used in charts, therefore retain name portolan .


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