Speak Well. Be Understood. .282000.E2.80.932004.29 Speak Good English Movement

1 speak well. understood. (2000–2004)

1.1 2000–01
1.2 2001–02
1.3 2002–03
1.4 2003–04
1.5 2004–05

speak well. understood. (2000–2004)

in 1999, prime minister goh chok tong highlighted problem of speaking singlish in national day rally. year later in april 2000, officially launched speak english movement tagline speak well, understood . stressed importance of speaking standard english , reducing use of singlish, singapore hub city , open economy need interact english-speaking foreigners. singaporeans use chinese syntax , literal translations of chinese phrases while speaking english, make utterances seem truncated , incomprehensible foreigners. in rally, prime minister stressed if speak corrupted form of english not understood others, lose key competitive advantage. movement spearheaded committee of people in private sector led colonel (ns) david wong, senior adviser consulting company ernst , young. target audience singaporeans under 40, included young working adults, parents , students in schools, tertiary institutes, polytechnics , technical institutes. launch kick-started week-long festival packed events such plays , speech marathon.

later in year, public sector organised year-long programmes part of movement. 1 such event seminar held singapore teachers union (stu) @ shangri-la hotel, attended 500 participants teachers. seminar emphasised power of pronunciation , teaching of grammar, , encouraged teachers teach english in more creative ways in schools using dramas , role-playing. other highlights in 2000 included launch of grammar matters, series of 5 books using comics illustrate correct use of grammar regional english language center in support of movement.


from 2001–2002, reported increasingly, singaporeans becoming more aware , acknowledging importance of speaking english. british council continued operate toll-free line giving english lessons. reportedly, year 2001 saw 250,000 callers while there 170,000 callers in 2002. also, inter-school scrabble competition, in 54 primary schools participated, held kick off year s events in april 2002.


according government, more singaporeans recognised need speak well, , took steps improve spoken english. programmes organised sgem partners such people’s association , british council received.


in 2003, movement, in fourth year, aimed not encourage singaporeans speak speak simple english. chairman wong said, may afraid use english, s not natural them. year encourage people try. have go if can t speak well, if cannot use long words, if can t use long sentences, s not important. idea use simple words, simple sentences , convey message clearly. movement continued throughout year until march 2004 create greater impact , awareness.

partner programmes in 2003–04

mattel southeast asia held inter school scrabble competition.
singapore drama educators association (sdea) held dramazing race, involved 150 students 29 secondary schools in race encouraged them utilise english. race similar in format amazing race.
national university of singapore held prose (promotion of standard english) forum prominent figures in singapore shared experiences importance of speaking english , being understood.
national library board held raise-a-reader workshop: primary years tailored specially equip parents know-hows of choosing suitable reading materials children , complementing reading habits. other events such actiquette! dramatization contest organized in conjunction of sgem 2003.
english language , literature teachers association of singapore, ellta (s) conducted seminar on ‘speaking english effective teaching , communication’.
julia gabriel speech & drama centre held workshop parents develop language skills, encourage reading skills , motivate writing skills using books, stories , poems @ home children.
british council held workshops parents improve pronunciation, identify singlish errors , replace them standard forms.
society reading & literacy (srl) conducted 6-month women learning english (wish) programme free @ 12 community centres nationwide record enrolment of 180 students in 6 classes. also, ms sheila wee srl conducted talk educate parents on use of storytelling develop children s interest in english.


in fifth year, acting manpower minister ng eng hen launched campaign @ arts house @ old parliament in april 2004. target of campaign can summed english@work&play. target audience working adults in service industry, including cabbies, shop assistants, waiters , others, made 70 percent of workers in singapore. people in positions of influence, parents , teachers encouraged serve positive role models in speaking english around them. movement partnered organisations , key agencies in training workshop initiatives improve english language proficiency of teachers. new programme called functional literacy our workers (flow) initiated workforce development agency aim equip workers had little english literacy basic tools required them work. other activities promote english held throughout year, such wish programme (as in previous year), , talks @ selected public libraries educate public on importance of reading aloud , on using english communicate 1 s family.

partner programmes in 2004–05

workshops sgem partners: these included reading aloud: whys , hows organised society reading & literacy (srl), tell me story , fun tots national library board educated parents on how develop reading skills in children among others.
speak english weekend held @ arts house @ old parliament saw collaboration of sgem partners asian storytelling network (asn), british council, institute of technical education (ite), julia gabriel speech & drama centre, national library board, news radio 93.8fm , regional language centre (relc) organise activities related english such scrabble, poetry, , tongue-twister sessions. booths set allow enrolment english classes well.

^ speak english movement launched in singapore – xinhua news agency, 29 april 2000
^ buck up, poor english reflects badly on – pm.- straits times, 30 april 2000, p. 4
^ teach english? seminar give tips. – straits times, 26 may 2000
^ singaporeans starting value importance of speaking english. – channel news asia, 12 april 2002
^ official speech sgem 2003/04 – col (ns) david wong, 2 july 2003
^ speak english movement aims people speak simple english.- channel news asia, 2 july 2003
^ sgem official media release 2004 21 april 2004
^ speak english movement targets service industry workers. – channel news asia, 25 april 2004
^ serving english in s pore. – straits times, 22 april 2004


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