United States Natural gas storage

1 united states

1.1 consuming east
1.2 consuming west
1.3 producing south

united states

the united states typically broken out 3 main regions when comes gas consumption , production. these consuming east, consuming west , producing south.

consuming east

the consuming east region, particularly states in northern part, heavily rely on stored gas meet peak demand during cold winter months. due prevailing cold winters, large population centers , developed infrastructure, not surprising region has highest level of working gas storage capacity of other regions , largest number of storage sites, in depleted reservoirs. in addition underground storage, lng increasingly playing crucial role in providing supplemental backup and/or peaking supply ldcs on short term basis. although total capacity these lng facilities not match of underground storage in scale, short term high deliverability makes that.

consuming west

the consuming west region has smallest share of gas storage both in terms of number of sites gas capacity/deliverability. storage in area used allow domestic , albertan gas, coming canada, flow @ rather constant rate.

producing south

the producing south s storage facilities linked market centers , play crucial role in efficient export, transmission , distribution of natural gas produced consuming regions. these storage facilities allow storage of gas not marketable stored later use.


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