Career Ed Fagan

1 career

1.1 1995 holocaust lawsuits against swiss banks
1.2 2002 slavery class action lawsuit
1.3 2002 apartheid lawsuit against swiss , banks
1.4 2003 apartheid lawsuit against anglo american
1.5 2004 artwork lawsuit against bank austria creditanstalt ag
1.6 2004 slave trade lawsuit against lloyd s of london
1.7 2005 kaprun disaster lawsuit
1.8 2005 indian ocean tsunami victims lawsuit
1.9 2006 borat lawsuit

1995 holocaust lawsuits against swiss banks

in 1995, fagan filed lawsuits against swiss banks had refused repay money belonged holocaust victims. banks in question settled claims outside of court, resulting in payout of us$1.25 billion.

according news reports ed fagan held final formal signing of german slave labor settlement because wanted more money himself. while several hundred people , german , american representatives waited, ed fagan, still wearing abcnews 20/20 microphone, heard haggling on fees, , boasting of success . recorded saying, got legal fees up, ... did great, did great got another, got more money.”

amongst fagan s many critics new york university law professor burt neuborne, had said on record: worked around him, ... mean, was, there, but, played, if tell zero, mean 0 role in developing legal theory, in presenting legal theory, , in participating lawyer. neuborne, leading human rights lawyer, believed time set record straight:

it didn’t surprise me @ last minute lawyer, lawyer thought hold deal ed fagan. because that’s barometer of how care yourself, , how care victims. think appropriate to, tell truth him. 1 hundred percent of activity in case, including press activity, designed name there other people sign him, more , more , more , more people in fold , show in court , top lawyer cause have got clients.

in 1998, mrs. gizella weisshaus, named plaintiff in lawsuit against swiss banks, opted out of historic settlement because felt attorneys more interested in paying millions of dollars, before of survivors had received money. on april 8, 1998 mrs. gizella weisshauss filed attorney ethics complaint, claiming edward d. fagan, lawyer @ time, held $82,583.04 belonging estate of deceased cousin jack oestreicher. hal r. lieberman, esq. departmental disciplinary committee, supreme court, appellate division, responded on may 6, 1998, in ongoing criminal proceeding outcome of disciplinary investigation should awaited.

in 2000, fagan represented 82,000 holocaust victims , family members (many of whom later accused him of negligence), suing governments , companies in germany , austria based on alien tort claims act.

2002 slavery class action lawsuit

in april 2002 ed fagan filed class action lawsuit against eighteen companies, including fleetboston, csx corporation, aetna, union pacific railroad, r. j. reynolds tobacco company , lehman brothers, accusing companies have unjustly enriched (themselves) through profits earned either directly or indirectly trans-atlantic slave trade , slavery between 1619 , 1865, post-emancipation slavery through 1960s . in january 2004 judge charles r norgle dismissed lawsuit because fagan failed establish clear link between plaintiffs , companies.

2002 apartheid lawsuit against swiss , banks

according news reports cnn, maverick lawyer attempted file $50 billion class action lawsuit against swiss ubs , credit suisse , u.s. based citicorp inc. providing funds south african apartheid government during 1985 , 1993. swiss foreign ministry spokesman ruedi christen dismissed lawsuit following words: s unjust attack against switzerland, opinion shared in switzerland, citizens told fagan go home! , wash dirty linen elsewhere , when held news conference on zurich s paradeplatz, home of 2 biggest banks of switzerland: credit suisse , ubs.

2003 apartheid lawsuit against anglo american

in 2003 fagan , south african law firm ngcebetsha madlanga attorneys attempted sue anglo american, word s second-biggest mining company, diamond producer de beers, sasol ltd., supplies 44 percent of south africa s motor fuel, , fluor corporation, california-based engineering company, claiming companies profited south africa s racial discrimination policies ended in 1994. claims dismissed federal district judge in november 2004, fagan not allowed represent case.

2004 artwork lawsuit against bank austria creditanstalt ag

in 2004, fagan filed federal lawsuit in manhattan non-existent group called association of holocaust victims restitution of artwork & masterpieces (ahvram) against bank austria creditanstalt ag , other european corporate, governmental , financial institutions $6.8 billion. lawsuit alleged theft of artworks , other property during world war ii s holocaust, dismissed district court judge shirley wohl kram on aug. 19, 2005, because fagan failed state basis federal court jurisdiction of frivolous , bad faith lawsuit. kram noted plaintiff organization ahvram did not exist, fagan s lack of preparation , professionalism, glaringly inadequate filings, , fact deceived court . fagan s failure pay more $350,000 in fines , litigation costs bank austria creditanstalt ag led bankruptcy , disbarment.

2004 slave trade lawsuit against lloyd s of london

claiming descendants of black american slaves still suffer, fagan sued uk s oldest insurance market lloyd s of london insuring ships used in slave trade in 1700-1800s. fagan s interest in financial compensation criticized kofi mawuli klu, chair of pan-afrikan taskforce internationalist dialogue (patfid); anti-slavery abolitionist heritage learning movement , member of pan-afrikan reparations coalition in europe (parcoe): have make sure focus not shift broad, deeper understanding of reparations 1 of financial compensation, ... see action reparations more educational issue of bringing masses of people fight against racism.

2005 kaprun disaster lawsuit

fagan attempted represent plaintiffs in suit brought relatives of 6 americans died in mountain railway disaster in kaprun, austria, killed 155 people, in august 2007, southern district of new york judge shira scheindlin disqualified fagan representing plaintiffs, after noting fagan, had filed personal bankruptcy, had personal interest in litigation s outcome , made false representations court. scheindlin slapped attorney $5,000 fine. fagan continues seek winnings [2009] in case former partner in case through failed florida partnership representing victims in louis j pearlman fraud, allowed fagan vindictively sell services victims of fraud. fagan deserted these clients after severely hurting chances of recovery due obstructionist , disingenuous involvement in cases.

2005 indian ocean tsunami victims lawsuit

in 2005, initiated lawsuit on behalf of 2004 indian ocean earthquake victims. lawsuit directed against thai government, national oceanic , atmospheric administration , french hotel group sofitel, blaming them insufficient quake , tsunami warnings.

2006 borat lawsuit

in 2006, fagan initiated legal proceedings, suing makers of film borat: cultural learnings of america make benefit glorious nation of kazakhstan $30 million damages, on behalf of 2 inhabitants of romanian village of glod, dâmbovita human rights violations. planned submit lawsuits in new york , florida state courts, in frankfurt, germany. fagan said hoped teach hollywood expensive lesson. lawsuit thrown out district judge loretta preska in hearing in december 2006 on grounds charges vague stand in court. fagan planned refile.


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