Fantasy Lin Carter

1 fantasy

1.1 thongor of valkarth
1.2 conan
1.3 chronicles of kylix
1.4 gondwane (world s end)
1.5 terra magica
1.6 tara of twilight
1.7 oz
1.8 other novels
1.9 collections

thongor of valkarth

note: carter s literary executor robert m. price has written 2 thongor stories, witch of lemuria [1] , mind lords of lemuria [2].

in 1978 thongor movie in production release in 1979. titled thongor in valley of demons; movie never produced.


conan (1967) (with robert e. howard , l. sprague de camp)
conan of isles (1968) (with l. sprague de camp)
conan wanderer (1968) (with robert e. howard , l. sprague de camp) [o/n+ conan adventurer (howard & de camp) + conan buccaneer (carter & de camp);= conan chronicles 2 (1990)]
conan of cimmeria (1969) (with robert e. howard , l. sprague de camp) [o/2n+ conan freebooter (howard & de camp);= conan chronicles (1989)]
conan buccaneer (1971) (with l. sprague de camp)
conan of aquilonia (1977) (with l. sprague de camp)
conan swordsman (1978) (with l. sprague de camp , björn nyberg)
conan liberator (1979) (with l. sprague de camp)
conan barbarian (1982) (with l. sprague de camp)
sagas of conan (2004) (with l. sprague de camp , björn nyberg)

the chronicles of kylix

the quest of kadji (1971) (wildside reissue 1999, isbn 1587150867)
amalric (unpublished in complete form)

higher heresies of oolimar (1973)
curious custom of turjan seraad (1976)

the wizard of zao (1978)
kellory warlock (1984) (wildside reissue 2007, isbn 978-1-4344-9278-4)

gondwane (world s end)

the warrior of world s end (1974) (wildside reissue 2000, isbn 1587153394)
the enchantress of world s end (1975) (wildside reissue 2000, isbn 1587153408)
the immortal of world s end (1976) (wildside reissue 2000, isbn 1587153416)
the barbarian of world s end (1977) (wildside reissue 2000, isbn 1587153424)
the pirate of world s end (1978) (wildside reissue 2000, isbn 1587153432)
giant of world s end (1969)

terra magica

tara of twilight

tara of twilight (1979)
blood life (1984)
love of sea (1984)
pale shadow (1985)


published posthumously tails of cowardly lion , friends

the tired tailor of oz (2001)
the merry mountaineer of oz (collection of 4 complete oz novels: awful ogre of ogodown, high times on tip top mountain, wooden soldier of oz, no joy in mudville) (2004)

other novels

the black star (1973) (wildside reissue 1999, isbn 1587150956)
found wanting (1985) (wildside reissue 2008, isbn 978-1-4344-9799-4 paperback, isbn 978-1-4344-9800-7 hardcover)
lost world of time (1969) (wildside reissue 2008, isbn 978-1-4344-9801-4 paperback, isbn 978-1-4344-9802-1 hardcover)
the star magicians (1966)


king kull (1967) (robert e. howard)
beyond gates of dream (nordon publications/leisure books, 1969) isbn 978-0-8439-0519-9 (wildside reissue 1999, isbn 1587150786)
lost worlds (daw books, 1980) (wildside reissue 2008, isbn 978-1-4344-6784-3 trade paperback, isbn 978-1-4344-6785-0 hardcover)
the xothic legend cycle: complete mythos fiction of lin carter (chaosium, 1997)
lin carter s anton zarnak, supernatural sleuth. edited , intro many incarnations of anton zarnak robert m. price. (marietta publishing, 2000). collects carter s 3 stories of occult detective character stories of zarnak other authors including price, joseph s. pulver, pierre comtois, c.j. henderson, john l. french , james chambers.


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