First Trust Bank notes Banknotes of Northern Ireland

a£100 first trust bank note.

first trust bank subsidiary of allied irish banks (aib). aib formed in 1966 merger of group of smaller banks. following merger, banknotes issued provincial bank of ireland reissued allied irish banks name. in 1991, aib merged tsb northern ireland , began trading first trust bank, , since then, bank s notes have been issued under first trust bank name.

first trust bank s current notes have generic depiction of northern irish person. young middle-aged man appears on £10 note, elderly woman on £20 note, elderly man on £50 note, , both elderly people on £100 note. obverse designs feature images associated spanish armada, commemorating wrecking of 24 armada ships off coast of county antrim in 1588:

10 pound note featuring ship girona
20 pound note featuring chimney @ lacada point, giant s causeway, near dunluce, county antrim, girona wrecked
50 pound note featuring commemorative medal
100 pound note featuring spanish armada

a £5 note featuring dunluce castle on obverse , £1 note featuring girona issued provincial bank of ireland , aib, have not been issued first trust bank.


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