History and manufacture Powdered milk

modified dry whole milk, fortified vitamin d. original container 1947, provided ministry of food in london, england

while marco polo wrote of mongolian tatar troops in time of kublai khan carried sun-dried skimmed milk kind of paste , first modern production process dried milk invented russian physician osip krichevsky in 1802. first commercial production of dried milk organized russian chemist m. dirchoff in 1832. in 1855, t.s. grimwade took patent on dried milk procedure, though william newton had patented vacuum drying process 1837.

in modern times, powdered milk made spray drying nonfat skimmed milk, whole milk, buttermilk or whey. pasteurized milk first concentrated in evaporator approximately 50% milk solids. resulting concentrated milk sprayed heated chamber water instantly evaporates, leaving fine particles of powdered milk solids.

alternatively, milk can dried drum drying. milk applied thin film surface of heated drum, , dried milk solids scraped off. however, powdered milk made way tends have cooked flavour, due caramelization caused greater heat exposure.

another process freeze drying, preserves many nutrients in milk, compared drum drying.

the drying method , heat treatment of milk processed alters properties of milk powder, such solubility in cold water, flavour, , bulk density.


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