History Düsseldorf
when roman empire strengthening position throughout europe, few germanic tribes clung on in marshy territory off eastern banks of rhine.
in 7th , 8th centuries, odd farming or fishing settlement found @ point small river düssel flows rhine. such settlements city of düsseldorf grew.
düsseldorf in 1647
the first written mention of düsseldorf (then called dusseldorp in local low rhenish dialect) dates 1135. under emperor friedrich barbarossa small town of kaiserswerth north of düsseldorf became well-fortified outpost, soldiers kept watchful eye on every movement on rhine. kaiserswerth became suburb of düsseldorf in 1929.
in 1186, düsseldorf came under rule of counts of berg. 14 august 1288 1 of important dates in history of düsseldorf. on day sovereign count adolf viii of berg granted village on banks of düssel town privileges. before this, bloody struggle power had taken place between archbishop of cologne , count of berg, culminating in battle of worringen.
the archbishop of cologne s forces wiped out forces of count of berg supported citizens , farmers of cologne , düsseldorf, paving way düsseldorf s elevation city status, commemorated today monument on burgplatz. custom of turning cartwheels credited children of düsseldorf. there variations of origin of cartwheeling children. today symbol (der radschläger) represents story , every year düsseldorfers celebrate having cartwheeling contest. after battle relationship between 4 cities deteriorated, because commercial rivals; said there kind of hostility between citizens of cologne , düsseldorf. today, finds expression in humorous form (especially during rhineland karneval) , in sports.
view of düsseldorf church of st. andrew in centre, 1667, adriaen van de velde
a market square sprang on banks of rhine , square protected city walls on 4 sides. in 1380, dukes of berg moved seat town , düsseldorf made regional capital of duchy of berg. during following centuries several famous landmarks built, including collegiate church of st lambertus. in 1609, ducal line of united duchies of jülich-cleves-berg died out, , after virulent struggle on succession, jülich , berg fell wittelsbach counts of palatinate-neuburg, made düsseldorf main domicile, after inherited electorate of palatinate, in 1685, becoming prince-electors electors palatine.
bond of town düsseldorf, issued 26. july 1899
the state parliament, seen top of rheinturm.
rheinturm düsseldorf 70th anniversary of state nrw illumination rheinkomet, including real comet @ right side
under art loving johann wilhelm ii (r. 1690–1716), vast art gallery huge selection of paintings , sculptures, housed in stadtschloss (city castle). after death, city fell on hard times again, after elector charles theodore inherited bavaria , moved electoral court munich. him took art collection, became part of alte pinakothek in munich. destruction , poverty struck düsseldorf after napoleonic wars. napoleon made berg grand duchy , düsseldorf capital. johann devaranne, leader of solingen s resistance napoleon s conscription decrees, executed here in 1813. after napoleon s defeat, whole rhineland including berg given kingdom of prussia in 1815. rhine province s parliament established in düsseldorf. mid-19th century, düsseldorf enjoyed revival industrial revolution city boasted 100,000 inhabitants 1882; figure doubled in 1892. in 1920, düsseldorf became centre of general strike. on 15 april 1920, 45 delegates of german miners union murdered freikorps.
the city target of strategic bombing during world war ii, particularly during raf bombing campaign in 1943 when on 700 bombers used in single night. raids continued late war. part of campaign against german oil facilities, raf raid of 20–21 february on rhenania ossag refinery in reisholz district of city halted oil production there. allied ground advance germany reached düsseldorf in mid-april 1945. united states 97th infantry division captured city on 18 april 1945, after local german resistance group launched aktion rheinland.
in 1946, düsseldorf made capital of new federal state of north rhine-westphalia. city s reconstruction proceeded @ frantic pace , economic transformation guided düsseldorf s economic growth.
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