Hybrid strategies Magic: The Gathering deck types
1 hybrid strategies
1.1 aggro-control
1.2 control-combo
1.3 aggro-combo
1.4 aggro-control-combo
hybrid strategies
aggro-control hybrid archetype contains both aggressive creatures , control elements. these decks attempt deploy quick threats while protecting them light permission , disruption long enough win. these referred tempo strategies, built sense of timing. tempo players control game , take advantage of strong board state. purely control decks out class players more quality in later stages of game, tempo looks keep opponents off balance start.
example cards: aven mindcensor, ninja of deep hours, dark confidant, magus of moon, ohran viper
example decks:
blue-green madness, uses cards wild mongrel, careful study , circular logic.
naya lightsaber, uses powerful creatures ranger of eos , removal ajani vengeant, many of provide card advantage.
rug delver, uses cards tarmogoyf, daze , brainstorm.
fish, uses mana denial such wasteland , null rod, alongside disruption such daze, force of will, , thoughtseize, keep opponent off-balance long enough creatures such tarmogoyf , dark confidant win game.
bob/gush, draws enough cards using dark confidant ( bob ) , gush overwhelm opponent attacking creatures , disruption such force of , spell pierce.
delver, uses efficient threat delver of secrets alongside disruption such mana leak , vapor snag.
control-combo control deck combo finisher can spring if need be. notable subtype of control-combo prison, institutes control through resource denial (usually via combo).
example cards: orim s chant, mana drain, goblin welder, oath of druids, smokestack
example decks:
stax, prison deck uses smokestack destroy opposing permanents, crucible of worlds replay permanents feed smokestack, , sphere of resistance , tangle wire tie opponent s mana , prevent them ever playing spells.
stasis, uses stasis , cards such forsaken city or boomerang.
scepter-chant, uses isochron scepter , orim s chant.
trix, gains life using illusions of grandeur , uses donate leave opponent deadly drawback.
oath, uses oath of druids , forbidden orchard put large creature such tidespout tyrant or hellkite overlord play.
control slaver, accelerates powerful, high casting cost artifacts such mindslaver play using goblin welder, tinker, or mana drain.
drain tendrils, controls game using mana drain, force of will, , duress while drawing cards intuition + accumulated knowledge engine set lethal tendrils of agony.
aggro-combo decks employ aggressive creature strategies along combination of cards can win in combo fashion 1 big turn. instance, ravager affinity decks include disciple of vault can win attacking creatures , combo finish of sacrificing multiple artifacts arcbound ravager , killing opponent disciple triggers.
example cards: berserk, food chain, hatred
example decks:
fling affinity, uses arcbound ravager or atog , fling along disciple of vault.
food chain goblins, uses food chain, , goblin recruiter , goblin ringleader.
fires, uses fires of yavimaya saproling burst , blastoderm.
dredge, uses bazaar of baghdad , cards dredge mechanic (such golgari grave-troll , stinkweed imp) fill player s own graveyard. enables free creatures such bloodghast , narcomoeba, can generate large number of zombie tokens in conjunction cabal therapy , bridge below .
aggro-control-combo decks combine efficient, creature-based damage, heavy disruption elements, , ability unleash extremely powerful synergy can end game in combo fashion.
example cards: tinker, survival of fittest, cunning wish, necropotence
example decks:
gro-a-tog, wins playing quirion dryad , protecting disruption such force of , duress grows, can win playing fastbond , chaining gush , merchant scroll draw many cards , instantly make quirion dryad lethal.
tarmo-twin, plays efficient hard-to-kill threats such tarmogoyf backup cheap counterspells remand , spell snare apply pressure. if opponent manages deal these cards, left vulnerable deceiver exarch/pestermite , splinter twin/kiki-jiki, mirror breaker combo creates infinite creatures haste win game. deck can control game lightning bolt, snapcaster mage, dig through time , cryptic command in order put in position can play deceiver exarch/splinter twin combo counterspells protection or keep tarmogoyf in play until can kill opponent.
^ giant sized regionals primer: blue-green madness! mike flores
^ naya lightsaber
^ rugs (but not delvers) mike flores
^ cite error: named reference 2010 guide vintage invoked never defined (see page).
^ guide vintage’s landscape – attacking red zone mark hornung
^ guide vintage’s landscape – things gush mark hornung
^ building best delver of secrets gerry thompson
^ deconstructing stasis brian david-marshall
^ illusions-donate gary wise
^ magic gathering vintage oath decks . mtgdecks.net. retrieved 24 april 2017.
^ how play control slaver brian demars
^ drain tendrils: staying ahead of curve codi vinci
^ chaining goblins paul sottosanti
^ deconstructing fires brian david-marshall
^ crushing vintage without power nine: manaless ichorid primer stephen menendian
^ picking brains – past, present, , future of zombie nation mark hornung
^ cite error: named reference aggro, combo, , control invoked never defined (see page).
^ gardening in vintage: how gro-a-tog , clip lotus stephen menendian , paul mastriano
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