Klaus J. Jacobs Awards Klaus Johann Jacobs
1 klaus j. jacobs awards
1.1 background
1.2 klaus j. jacobs research award
1.3 klaus j. jacobs best practice award
klaus j. jacobs awards
the klaus j. jacobs research award honours outstanding achievement in child , youth development , klaus j. jacobs best practice award positive development of children , youth awarded annually in memory of entrepreneur , philanthropist klaus j jacobs, died in 2008. first award ceremony took place on 3 december 2009. awards given jacobs foundation of zurich.
the prizes given honour outstanding achievements in research , practice make significant contribution young people’s success in life , development.
the klaus j. jacobs research award
the klaus j. jacobs research award recognises academic research of significant social relevance child , youth development. additionally, research findings interdisciplinary projects honoured should suited active practical implementation. prize money award comes 1 million swiss francs, can used academic project chosen recipient.
the award winner chosen jury of internationally respected researchers: albert bandura (stanford university, usa), monique boekaerts (leiden university, netherlands), jeanne brooks-gunn (columbia university, usa), anne c. petersen michigan university, usa), meinrad paul perrez (université de fribourg, switzerland), rainer k. silbereisen (friedrich schiller universität jena, germany) , william julius wilson (harvard university, usa).
the klaus j. jacobs best practice award
the klaus j. jacobs best practice award given exceptional engagement institution or individual practical work makes real use of innovative ideas positive development of children , youth. prize money amounts 200,000 swiss francs can used project chosen recipient.
the award winner of best practice award chosen board of jacobs foundation.
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