Mass Effect 2 Mordin Solus

mordin solus debuts in 2010 s mass effect 2. commander shepard, player character , protagonist of game, goes omega recruit him tech specialist assault on collector base. shepard finds him running clinic , distributing cure rampant plague in sealed-off district of station. mordin asks shepard reactivate district s environmental systems, , distribute cure through them. after done, mordin joins party , can talked aboard normandy, shepard s spaceship, , brought along future missions.

each squadmate in mass effect 2 has optional loyalty mission . mordin informs shepard old assistant, maelon, has been captured krogan on tuchanka. during mission, takes place in hospital, mordin discovers horrific tests krogan trying cure genophage, , player may have shepard confront him work on it. eventually, mordin finds maelon, revealed have voluntarily joined krogan due guilt on helping develop genophage. horrified brutality of tests, mordin may kill maelon depending on player s actions. mordin discovers maelon has found valuable data prove useful curing genophage, , player can choose whether destroy or save it.

like every other squadmate, possible mordin die during final mission of game—the suicide mission —depending on player s choices. chances of dying increase if player not complete loyalty mission.

as scientist, mordin uses technology abilities in battle, particularly incinerate , cryo blast, respectively tear through armor , snap freeze enemies. armed submachine gun , pistol. however, scientist, weakest of squad members, game s algorithm written kill mordin first during suicide mission s final act should team s defensive capabilities not strong enough.


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