International students Payame Noor University

1 international students

1.1 international student information
1.2 admission
1.3 language courses non-persian

international students
international student information

in 1990, faculty of overseas of pnu established study of persian language , literature @ bachelor, master , ph.d levels. aims of these programs give foreign students understanding of iranian culture , art.

in new organization of university, faculty of overseas replaced international study center. implies center authorized offer degree programs of pnu. these programs correspondence courses, heavily rely on textbooks. language of instruction persian. center has 1182 students admitted through degree programs in 55 countries.


since impossible international students enroll , take part in national university entrance exam, international study center provides opportunities students continue studies through degree programs @ bachelor, master , ph.d level.

international applicants admitted @ university on basis of high school gpa or exam results. center enrolls students on basis of secondary school or bachelor s degree gpa @ 2 levels of bachelor s , master s degrees subsequently. final exams of students of center administered assistance of iranian consulates , embassies around world. having acquired necessary scores @ exams of first semester, , having high educational background @ university or high school levels high gpa, encompassing students become regular students.

language courses non-persian

the following persian basic language courses launched non-iranian nationals worldwide:


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