Khums in history Khums

1 khums in history

1.1 africa
1.2 europe
1.3 india

khums in history

khums practiced muslim commanders raided african communities 8th century through 20th century. however, khums treated concept , share of booty transferred islamic state 50%. example, west african muslim ruler hamman yaji in 1919, recorded in diary,

raided pagans of rowa , captured 50 cattle , 33 slaves. calculated fifth share [khums] 17 slaves , 25 cattle.

similarly, 8th 10th century, berber people in north africa treated pagans, raided , booty of seized wealth , slaves subject khums.


from 8th century onwards, southern europe became target of raids , military campaigns morocco , ottoman sultanate. after conquest of cordoba muslim armies, khums (20%) of moveable booty seized christians , jews after war transferred caliphal treasury, rest distributed among commanders , muslim soldiers of invading army. according musa nusayr, army commanders set aside 20% of land vacated non-muslims caliph. land surrendered christians , jews, not vacated, became subject jizya payable dhimmis. however, ibn hazm states muslim soldiers did not set aside or pay khums looted property or riches annexed land, each kept spoils himself. became 1 source of distrust , dispute between muslim rulers , clergy based in africa , new caliphate of cordoba in southwestern europe. outside spain, ghanima , fay sought muslim conquests in sicily, greece , caucasian region of europe. khums paid seized movable property caliphal treasury.


from 10th century through 18th century, muslim armies raided non-muslim kingdoms of india. of these muslim armies came northwest, consisting of turko-mongols, persians , afghans. in other times, these commanders of delhi sultanate. war spoils , looted movable property infidels (hindus, jains, buddhists) subject khums. 20% tax transferred treasury of sultanate, , 80% distributed among commanders, mounted soldiers , foot soldiers. mounted soldiers given 2 3 times of war booty foot soldiers. collected war booty treasuries , temples of hindus incentive war, , khums (ghanima tax) source of wealth sultans in india. 1 such loot warangal, , included koh-i-noor, 1 of largest known diamonds in human history.


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