Mosaics Daphni Monastery

christ pantocrator

on pendentives there 4 scenes life of christ. crucifixion scene shows 3 figures: christ on cross, mary , saint john @ foot of cross, 1 on each side. figures arranged in shape of triangle against empty golden background. each figure separate , unified other figures. balanced arrangement similar way greek sculptors placed figures in pediments of temples. figure of st. john depicted in bending position, weight on 1 leg – pose used greek sculptors. body of christ depicted in classic, athletic style, unlike greek sculpture, anatomy not true life. faces of saint john , madonna have flatness , heavy lines of byzantine style, express calm of greek statues.

according encyclopædia britannica, ensemble represents visualization of christian cosmos, effect created intricately conceived interplay of pictures , architecture. space in fact fuses decoration 1 giant image, in ruler, hailed prophets surrounding him, presides in sphere above host of saints people lower part of room.

other important mosaics include: prayers of joachim , anna, annunciation of joachim, virgin anna, annunciation of mother of god, baptism of christ, washing of disciples, entering jerusalem, christ @ last supper, crucifixion, resurrection, dormition of mother of god, angel receive mother of god, prophet sophonia, st. bacchus.

byzantine art survives ecclesiastical art. daphni monastery built during period of renaissance in culture , art , return classical traditions. figures in mosaics more naturalistically represented, , blend more smoothly surroundings decoration of monastery inspired spirit of times. faces dematerialized, austere , depicted unemotional expressions. bodies heavy , rigid, common characteristics in depicting icons of bishops, monks , martyrs. pictorial perspective, figure styles , gestures, modeling of figures along simplicity of design, , dazzling splendor of color reflecting gold , silver tesserae distinguish daphni mosaics among mosaics of eleventh , twelfth centuries particularly grand specimens of byzantine art in general.


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