Owners Natural gas storage

1 owners

1.1 interstate pipeline companies
1.2 intrastate pipeline companies , local distribution companies
1.3 independent storage service providers

interstate pipeline companies

interstate pipeline companies rely heavily on underground storage perform load balancing , system supply management on long-haul transmission lines. ferc regulations though demand these companies open remainder of capacity not used purpose third parties. twenty-five interstate companies operate 172 underground natural gas storage facilities. in 2005, facilities accounted 43 percent of overall storage deliverability , 55 percent of working gas capacity in us. these operators include columbia gas transmission company, dominion gas transmission company, national fuel gas supply company, natural gas pipeline of america, texas gas transmission company, southern star central pipeline company, transcanada corporation.

intrastate pipeline companies , local distribution companies

intrastate pipeline companies use storage facilities operational balancing , system supply meet energy demand of end-use customers. ldcs use gas storage serve customers directly. group operates 148 underground storage sites , account 40 percent of overall storage deliverability , 32 percent of working gas capacity in us. these operators include consumers energy company , northern illinois gas company (nicor), in , enbridge , union gas in canada.

independent storage service providers

the deregulation activity in underground gas storage arena has attracted independent storage service providers develop storage facilities. capacity made available leased third-party customers such marketers , electricity generators. expected in future, group take more market share, more deregulation takes place. in us, group accounts 18 percent of overall storage deliverability , 13 percent of working gas capacity in us.


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