Rohan and .C3.89oth.C3.A9od.27s individual horses Middle-earth animals

1 rohan , Éothéod s individual horses

1.1 arod
1.2 brego
1.3 felaróf
1.4 firefoot
1.5 hasufel
1.6 lightfoot
1.7 shadowfax
1.8 snowmane
1.9 windfola

rohan , Éothéod s individual horses

the grey horse given legolas riders of rohan in 2 towers. gimli rides him, sitting behind legolas, until reach minas tirith. epilogue lord of rings (published in history of middle-earth, volume ix, sauron defeated) has sam saying legolas let horse run free rohan isengard , presumably after war, when legolas , gimli left rest of company visit aglarond , fangorn.


brego horse of rohan ridden aragorn in peter jackson s film adaptations of 2 towers , return of king. théodred s horse. aragorn first meets him in stables @ edoras, 2 of rohirrim struggling bring him under control, , aragorn calms him speaking elvish him, , tells Éowyn set him free. after aragorn’s fall in skirmish warg riders, brego carries him helm s deep. aragorn continues ride brego until arrival @ door paths of dead, @ point brego , arod bolt.

in tolkien’s writings, name brego refers second king of rohan. noted in film version of 2 towers when aragorn, speaking in elvish brego @ edoras, tells him, name kingly .


the first of mearas, stallion, described being intelligent , long-lived human, , capable of understanding speech of men.

felaróf wild foal captured léod, father of eorl young , tamer of horses. though no 1 tame horse, léod attempted mount him, , killed when horse threw him.

eorl vowed avenge father, commanding horse serve him weregild father. eorl named horse felaróf (meaning valiant, strong in anglo-saxon poetic vocabulary) , rode him without bit or bridle. took part in battle of field of celebrant. felaróf buried in eorl s burial mound.


the horse of Éomer of rohan; bore Éomer , gimli edoras helm s deep before battle of hornburg.


the horse given aragorn riders of rohan in 2 towers. previously, horse had been ridden rider named garulf, killed in recent skirmish band of orcs had captured merry , pippin ( may bear , better fortune garulf, late master! — Éomer aragorn). aragorn later rode own horse, roheryn, came rohan company of dúnedain north.


a horse of rohan, , sire of snowmane. lightfoot mentioned on inscription on snowmane s grave (snowmane s howe).


a horse of rohan, , chief of mearas. other mearas, shadowfax grey or silver stallion , understand speech of men. no 1 except gandalf ride shadowfax, , given gandalf king théoden. name means shadow-mane (old norse fax meaning mane ); same element appears in names of horses skinfaxi , hrímfaxi in norse mythology.

shadowfax carried halfling pippin @ gandalf s request.

in unpublished epilogue , letter tolkien stated shadowfax passed west on sea gandalf; in lord of rings gandalf appears great grey horse on quay before departing, , had earlier promised shadowfax (in chapter white rider ) not parted again in world.

in film adaptations of lord of rings: 2 towers , lord of rings: return of king, directed peter jackson, shadowfax played white horse named blanco, owned cynthia royal. blanco euthanized after illness in 2014. horse, andalusian stallion named domero, served shadowfax until death in 2003.


the horse of king théoden of rohan, accompanied théoden battle of hornburg, , ridden on final charge out of fortress. @ battle of pelennor fields, snowmane pierced black dart, causing him fall onto théoden. buried honour on field of battle; grave, known snowmane s howe, bore inscription:

faithful servant yet master s bane
lightfoot s foal, swift snowmane.
— return of king, battle of pelennor fields , p. 120


Éowyn s grey horse. disguised dernhelm, Éowyn rode merry on windfola battle of pelennor fields. during battle, windfola terrified nazgûl s fell beast; Éowyn , merry thrown windfola s back, , windfola ran wild on plain.


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