Career Janet Leigh

leigh in trailer little women (1949)

prior beginning movie career, leigh guest star on radio dramatic anthology cresta blanca hollywood players. initial appearance on radio @ age 19 in program s production through house, december 24, 1946. leigh made film debut in big budget film romance of rosy ridge in 1947, romantic interest of van johnson s character. got role when performing phyllis thaxter s long speech in thirty seconds on tokyo head of studio talent department. during shooting, leigh s name first changed jeanette reames , janet leigh , birth name jeanette morrison , because janet leigh resembled vivien leigh much. however, johnson did not name , changed janet leigh (pronounced lee ). leigh left college film career, enrolled in night school @ university of southern california in 1947.

immediately after film s release, leigh cast opposite walter pidgeon , deborah kerr in if winter comes in summer of 1947. furthermore, due box office success of romance of rosy ridge, leigh , johnson teamed again in film project called life of monty stratton in august 1947. project shelved , released in 1949 stratton story, starring james stewart , june allyson. film leigh set star in, before being replaced, alias gentleman, in cast in april 1947. late 1947, leigh occupied shooting of lassie film hills of home (1948), first film in received star billing. in late 1948, leigh hailed no. 1 glamour girl of hollywood, although known polite, generous , down-to-earth persona.

many movies followed, notably box-office hit little women (1949), based on novel louisa may alcott. proved versatile, starring in films diverse baseball farce angels in outfield in 1951 , tense western naked spur in 1953. following year, had supporting role in dean martin , jerry lewis comedy living up. in 1955, leigh played title role in musical comedy sister eileen, co-starring jack lemmon, betty garrett , dick york.

her initial roles ingenues based on characters historical literature, example in scaramouche opposite stewart granger. 1956, moved more complex roles, such role of linda latham in safari opposite victor mature.

she co-starred then-husband tony curtis in 5 films, houdini (1953), black shield of falworth (1954), vikings (1958), perfect furlough (1958) , lady? (1960). had cameos in sixth film, pepe (1960).

in 1958, leigh starred susan vargas in orson welles film noir classic touch of evil (1958) charlton heston, film numerous similarities alfred hitchcock s later film psycho, produced 2 years after touch of evil.

in touch of evil (1958)

her famous role morally ambiguous marion crane, co-starring john gavin , anthony perkins, in alfred hitchcock s psycho (1960), featuring iconic shower murder scene. fact star died in movie violated narrative conventions of time. received golden globe award best supporting actress , nominated academy award best supporting actress performance. leigh traumatized shower scene went great lengths avoid showers rest of life.

leigh had starring roles in many other films, including stark drama manchurian candidate (1962) frank sinatra, , musical comedy bye bye birdie (1963) based on hit broadway show. following 2 films, divorced/remarried leigh took break acting career , turned down several roles, including role of simone clouseau in pink panther, because didn t want go off on location , away family. in 1966, portrayed paul newman s estranged wife in private-detective story harper , reteamed jerry lewis comedy 3 on couch.

leigh worked in television late 1960s onward. initial television appearances on anthology programs such bob hope presents chrysler theatre , red skelton hour, , later, tales of unexpected. starred in several made-for-tv films, notably off-length (135 minutes instead of usual 100) house on greenapple road, premiered on abc in january 1970 high ratings.

as marion crane in psycho (1960)

in 1972, leigh starred in science fiction film night of lepus stuart whitman drama 1 lonely number trish van devere. in 1975, played retired hollywood song , dance star opposite peter falk , john payne in columbo episode forgotten lady. episode utilizes footage of leigh film walking baby home (1953).

her many guest appearances on television series include man u.n.c.l.e. two-part episode, concrete overcoat affair , in played sadistic thrush agent named miss dyketon, highly provocative role mainstream television @ time. two-part episode released in europe feature film entitled spy in green hat (1967). appeared in title role in virginian episode jenny (1970), murder, wrote episode doom view (1987), barbara lemay in episode of twilight zone (1989) , touched angel episode charade (1997). guest-starred twice different characters on both fantasy island , love boat. in 1973, appeared in episode beginner s luck of romantic anthology series love story.

leigh appeared in 2 horror films daughter, jamie lee curtis, playing major role in fog (1980), , making brief cameo appearance in halloween h20: 20 years later (1998). final film bad girls valley high (2005).


leigh author of 4 books. first, memoir there hollywood (1984), became new york times bestseller. in 1995, published non-fiction book psycho: behind scenes of classic thriller. in 1996, published first novel, house of destiny, explored lives of 2 friends forged empire change course of hollywood’s history. book s success spawned follow-up novel, dream factory (2002), set in hollywood during height of studio system.


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