Macedonian Question Demographic history of Macedonia

1 macedonian question

1.1 serbian propaganda
1.2 greek propaganda
1.3 bulgarian propaganda
1.4 ethnic macedonian propaganda
1.5 romanian propaganda
1.6 independent point of view
1.7 development of name macedonian slavs
1.8 missing national consciousness
1.9 statistical data

1.9.1 ottoman statistics
1.9.2 rival statistical data
1.9.3 encyclopædia britannica sample statistical data neutral sources

1.9.4 statistical data of greek macedonia

macedonian question

map of bulgarian exarchate (1870–1913).

in europe, classic non-national states multi-ethnic empires such ottoman empire, ruled sultan , population belonged many ethnic groups, spoke many languages. idea of nation state increasing emphasis during 19th century, on ethnic , racial origins of nations. noticeable characteristic degree nation states use state instrument of national unity, in economic, social , cultural life. 19th century, ottomans had fallen behind rest of europe in science, technology, , industry. time bulgarians had initiated purposeful struggle against greek clerics. bulgarian religious leaders had realised further struggle rights of bulgarians in ottoman empire not succeed unless managed obtain @ least degree of autonomy patriarchate of constantinople. foundation of bulgarian exarchate in 1870, included of macedonia firman of sultan abdülaziz direct result of struggle of bulgarian orthodox against domination of greek patriarchate of constantinople in 1850s , 1860s.

afterwards in 1876 bulgarians revolted in april uprising. emergence of bulgarian national sentiments closely related re-establishment of independent bulgarian church. rise of national awareness became known bulgarian national revival. uprising crushed ottomans. result on constantinople conference in 1876 predominant bulgarian character of slavs in macedonia reflected in borders of future autonomous bulgaria drawn there. great powers gave consent variant, excluded southern macedonia , thrace, , denied bulgaria access aegean sea, otherwise incorporated other regions in ottoman empire inhabited bulgarians. @ last minute, however, ottomans rejected plan secret support of britain. having reputation @ stake, russia had no other choice declare war on ottomans in april 1877. treaty of san stefano 1878, reflected maximum desired russian expansionist policy, gave bulgaria whole of macedonia except thessaloniki, chalcidice peninsula , valley of aliakmon.

bulgaria after treaty of san stefano, 1878.

bulgaria after conference of constantinople, 1876.

the congress of berlin in same year redistributed bulgarian territories previous treaty had given principality of bulgaria ottoman empire. included whole of macedonia. result in late 1878, kresna-razlog uprising - unsuccessful bulgarian revolt against ottoman rule in region of macedonia - broke out. decision taken @ congress of berlin turned macedonian question apple of constant discord between serbia, greece , bulgaria. bulgarian national revival in macedonia not unopposed. greeks , serbs, too, had national ambitions in region, , believed these furthered policy of cultural , linguistic dissimilation of macedonian slavs, achieved through educational , church propaganda. nonetheless, 1870s bulgarians dominant national party in macedonia. anticipated macedonian slavs continue evolve integral part of bulgarian nation, , that, in event of ottoman empire s demise, macedonia included in bulgarian successor-state. these anticipations proved false due not intrinsic peculiarities of macedonian slavs, setting them apart bulgarians, series of catastrophic events, which, on period of seventy years, diverted course of macedonian history away presumed trend.

serbian propaganda

ethnographic map of macedonia: point of view of serbs. author: professor j.cvijic, 1918

ethnographic map of balkans serbian author jovan cvijic

from serbian point of view, slavs of macedonia serbian-speakers

19th century serbian nationalism viewed serbs people chosen lead , unite southern slavs 1 country, yugoslavia (the country of southern slavs). conscience of peripheral parts of serbian nation grew, therefore officials , wide circles of population considered slavs of macedonia southern serbs , moslems islamized serbs , , shtokavian speaking part of today s croatian population catholic serbs . but, basic interests of serbian state policy directed liberation of ottoman regions of bosnia , herzegovina, , kosovo; whilst macedonia , vojvodina should liberated later .

the congress of berlin of 1878, granted bosnia , herzegovina austro-hungarian occupation , administration whilst nominally ottoman, redirected serbia s ambitions macedonia , propaganda campaign launched @ home , abroad prove serbian character of region. great contribution serbian cause made astronomer , historian trieste, spiridon gopčević (also known leo brenner). gopčević published in 1889 ethnographic research macedonia , old serbia, defined more three-quarters of macedonian population serbian. population of kosovo , northern albania identified serbian or albanian of serbian origin (albanized serbs, called arnauts ) , greeks along aliákmon greeks of serbian origin (hellenized serbs).

the work of gopčević further developed 2 serbian scholars, geographer jovan cvijić , linguist aleksandar belić. less extreme gopčević, cvijić , belić claimed slavs of northern macedonia serbian whereas of southern macedonia identified macedonian slavs , amorphous slavic mass neither bulgarian, nor serbian turn out either bulgarian or serbian if respective people rule region. slavs in macedonia referred bulgarian living along strymon (struma) , nestos (mesta) rivers, i.e., present-day pirin macedonia , parts of northeastern greece. cvijić further argued name bugari (bulgarians) used slavic population of macedonia refer meant ‘rayah’ – peasant christians – , in no case affiliations bulgarian ethnicity.

greek propaganda

greek ethnographic map professor george soteriadis, university of athens 1918.

it established end of 19th century majority of population of central , southern macedonia (vilaets of monastiri , thessaloniki) predominantly ethnic greek population, while northern parts of region (vilaet of skopje) predominantly slavic. jews , ottoman communities scattered over. because of macedonia s such polyethnic nature, arguments greece used promote claim whole region of historical , religious character. greeks consistently linked nationality allegiance patriarchate of constantinople. bulgarophone , albanophone , vlachophone greeks coined describe population slavic, albanian or vlach (aromanian)-speaking. there pressure on aromanians become linguistically dissimilated 18th century, when dissimilation efforts encouraged greek missionary cosmas of aetolia (1714–1779) taught aromanians should speak greek because said s language of our church , established on 100 greek schools in northern , western greece. offensive of clergy against use of aromanian no means limited religious issues tool devised in order convince non-greek speakers abandon regarded worthless idiom , adopt superior greek speech: there metsovian brothers, fooling sordid , vile aromanian language... forgive me calling language , repulsive speech disgusting diction .

as serbian , bulgarian propaganda efforts, greek 1 concentrated on education. greek schools in macedonia @ turn of 20th century totalled 927 1,397 teachers , 57,607 pupils. 1890s, greece started sending armed guerrilla groups macedonia (see greek struggle macedonia) after death of pavlos melas, fought detachments of internal macedonian revolutionary organization (imro).

the greek cause predominated in southern macedonia supported native greeks , substantial part of slavic , aromanian populations. support greeks less pronounced in central macedonia, coming fraction of local aromanians , slavs; in northern parts of region non-existent.

bulgarian propaganda

ethnographic map of macedonia: point of view of bulgarians, author: v.kuncov

the regions of balkan peninsula inhabited ethnic bulgarians, bulgarian in 1912.

the bulgarian propaganda made comeback in 1890s regard both education , arms. @ turn of 20th century there 785 bulgarian schools in macedonia 1,250 teachers , 39,892 pupils. bulgarian exarchate held jurisdiction on 7 dioceses (skopje, debar, ohrid, bitola, nevrokop, veles , strumica), i.e., whole of vardar , pirin macedonia , of southern macedonia. bulgarian macedonian-adrianople revolutionary committee (bmarc), founded in 1893 guerilla organization established locals, developed wide network of committees , agents turning state within state in of macedonia. organization changed name on several occasions, settling imro in 1920. imro fought not against ottoman authorities, against pro-serbian , pro-greek parties in macedonia, terrorising population supporting them.

the failure of ilinden-preobrazhenie uprising in 1903 signified second weakening of bulgarian cause resulting in closure of schools , new wave of emigration bulgaria. imro weakened , number of serbian , greek guerilla groups in macedonia substantially increased. exarchate lost dioceses of skopje , debar serbian patriarchate in 1902 , 1910, respectively. despite this, bulgarian cause preserved dominant position in central , northern macedonia , strong in southern macedonia.

the independence of bulgaria in 1908 had same effect on bulgarian idea in macedonia independence of greece hellenic century earlier. consequences closure of schools, expelling of priests of bulgarian exarchate , emigration of majority of young macedonian intelligentsia. first emigration triggered constant trickle of macedonian-born refugees , emigrants bulgaria. number stood @ ca. 100,000 1912.

ethnic macedonian propaganda

ethnographic map of balkans (1897), in hungarian, seen in pallas great lexicon:

the slav macedonian ideology during second half of 19th century @ inception. 1 of first preserved accounts article macedonian question petko slaveykov, published on 18 january 1871 in macedonia newspaper in constantinople. in 1880, georgi pulevski published slognica rechovska in sofia attempt @ grammar of language of slavs lived in macedonia. although had no formal education, pulevski published several other books, including 3 dictionaries , collection of songs macedonia, customs, , holidays. in 1888, kuzman shapkarev wrote marin drinov regard usage of words macedonian , bulgarian:

stranger name macedontsi, imposed on 10 15 years ago outsiders, , not our own intellectuals.... yet people in macedonia know nothing of ancient name, reintroduced today cunning aim on 1 hand , stupid 1 on other. know older word: bugari, although mispronounced: have adopted peculiarly theirs, inapplicable other bulgarians .

the first significant manifestation of slav macedonian nationalism book За Македонските Работи (za makedonskite raboti - on macedonian matters, sofia, 1903) krste misirkov. in book misirkov advocated slavs of macedonia should take separate way bulgarians , bulgarian language. misirkov considered term macedonian should used define whole slavic population of macedonia, obliterating existing division between greeks, bulgarians , serbians. adoption of separate macedonian language advocated means of unification of ethnic macedonians serbian, bulgarian , greek consciousness. on macedonian matters written in south slavic dialect spoken in central bitola-prilep. dialect proposed misirkov basis future language, and, misirkov says, dialect different other neighboring languages (as eastern dialect close bulgarian , northern 1 close serbian). misirkov calls language macedonian.

while misirkov talked macedonian consciousness , macedonian language future goal, described wider region of macedonia in 20th century inhabited bulgarians, greeks, serbs, turks, albanians, aromanians, , jews. regards ethnic macedonians themselves, misirkov maintained had called bulgarians until publication of book , called bulgarians independent observers until 1878 when serbian views started recognition. misirkov rejected ideas in on macedonian matters later , turned staunch advocate of bulgarian cause - return (slav) macedonian idea again in 1920s. [1]

another prominent activist ethnic macedonian national revival dimitrija Čupovski, 1 of founders , president of macedonian literary society established in saint petersburg in 1902. during 1913–18 period, Čupovski published newspaper makedonski golos (Македонскi Голосъ) (meaning macedonian voice) in , fellow members of petersburg macedonian colony propagandized existence of separate macedonian people different greeks, bulgarians , serbs, , struggling popularizing idea independent macedonian state.

following second balkan war in 1913, partition of macedonia among 3 entities had taken part in battle (serbia, greece , bulgaria) placed today s territory within kingdom of serbia. serbian rule ensured slav macedonian symbolism , identity henceforth proscribed, , standard serbian permitted spoken locals of macedonia. in addition, serbia did not refer southern land macedonia, legacy remains in place today among serbian nationalists (e.g. serbian radical party).

the ideas of misirkov, pulevski , other ethnic macedonian slavs remain largely unnoticed until 1940s when adopted socialist republic of yugoslavia influencing codification of macedonian language. claims of present-day historians republic of macedonia autonomists in imro defended macedonian position largely ungrounded. imro regarded - , regarded ottoman authorities, greek guerilla groups, contemporary press in europe , misirkov -as exclusively bulgarian organization. present-day historians republic of macedonia claim imro split 2 factions: first aimed ethnic macedonian state, , second believed in macedonia part of wider bulgarian entity.

romanian propaganda

map showing areas romanian schools aromanians , megleno-romanians in ottoman empire (1886)

attempts @ romanian propaganda among aromanian population of macedonia began in 19th century , based manly on linguistic criteria, claim of common thraco-roman origin of romanians (daco-romanians) , aromanians (macedo-romanians), 2 numerous vlach populations. first romanian vlach school was, however, established in 1864 in macedonia. total number of schools grew 93 @ beginning of 20th century. though romanian propaganda made success in bitola, kruševo, , in aromanian villages in districts of bitola , ohrid. macedonian aromanians regarded separate ethnic group, , romanians view such nations subgroups of wider vlach ethnicity. during second balkan war, when bulgaria attacked greece , serbia, romania took advantage of situation occupy region of south dobrudja, majority of population bulgarian , turkish. considered repayment lands in macedonia, occupied aromanians included in bulgaria after first balkan war.

independent point of view

austrian ethnographic map 1892

ethnological map of european turkey , dependencies @ time of beginning of war of 1877, karl sax, i. , r. austro-hungarian consul @ adrianople. published imperial , royal geographical society, vienna 1878.

ethnic composition map of balkans andrees allgemeiner handatlas, 1st edition, leipzig 1881.

ethnographic map of balkans according atlas général vidal-lablache, librairie armand colin, paris, 1898. according henry robert wilkinson, represents widespread view of time.

independent sources in europe between 1878 , 1918 tended view slavic population of macedonia in 2 ways: bulgarians , macedonian slavs. german scholar gustav weigand 1 of prominent representatives of first trend books ethnography of macedonia (1924, written 1919) , partially aromanians (1905). author described ethnic groups living in macedonia, showed empirically close connection between western bulgarian dialects , macedonian dialects , defined latter bulgarian. international commission constituted carnegie endowment international peace in 1913 inquire causes , conduct of balkan wars talked slavs of macedonia bulgarians in report published in 1914. commission had 8 members great britain, france, austria-hungary, germany, russia , united states.

ethnic groups in balkans , asia minor in 20th century (william r. shepherd, historical atlas, 1911).

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1918 (national geographic)

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1922, racial map of europe hammond & co.

ethnographical map of central , southeastern europe - war office, 1916, london.

the term macedonian slavs used scholars , publicists in 3 general meanings:

as politically convenient term define slavs of macedonia without offending serbian , bulgarian nationalism;
as distinct group of slavs different both serbs , bulgarians, yet closer bulgarians , having predominantly bulgarian ethnical , political affinities;
as distinct group of slavs different both serbs , bulgarians having no developed national consciousness , no fast ethnical , political affinities (the definition of cvijic).

an instance of use of first meaning of term was, example, ethnographic map of slavic peoples published in (1890) russian scholar zarjanko, identified slavs of macedonia bulgarians. following official protest serbia map later reprinted identifying them under politically correct name macedonian slavs .

the term used in different sense british journalist henry brailsford in macedonia, races , future (1906). book contains brailford s impressions five-month stay in macedonia shortly after suppression of ilinden uprising , represents ethnographic report. brailford defines dialect of macedonia neither serbian, nor bulgarian, yet closer second one. opinion delivered slavic nation win macedonia if use needed tact , resources, yet claimed bulgarians have done that. brailsford uses synonymously terms macedonian slavs , bulgarians , slavic language , bulgarian language . chapter on macedonians slavs/the bulgarians titled bulgarian movement , imro activists called bulgarophile macedonians .

the third use of term can noted among scholars allied countries (above france , united kingdom) after 1915 , equal definition given cvijic (see above).

according edmund spencer:

the inhabitants part composed of rayahs, mixed race of greeks, bulgarians , serbians, who, cannot doubted, join man brethren in faith of serbia , upper moesia. must therefore evident great danger apprehended rule of osmanli in these provinces, successful inroad of serbian nationality macedonia; people have tradition of right, , former greatness, aided powerful ties of race , creed

development of name macedonian slavs

ethnographic map of balkans, 1922.

the name macedonian slavs started appear in publications @ end of 1880s , beginning of 1890s. though successes of serbian propaganda effort had proved slavic population of macedonia not bulgarian, still failed convince population was, in fact, serbian. used until end of 19th century compared ‘bulgarians’, term ‘macedonian slavs’ served more conceal rather define national character of population of macedonia. scholars resorted result of serbian pressure or used general term slavs inhabiting macedonia regardless of ethnic affinities. serbian politician stojan novaković proposed in 1887 employing macedonistic ideas means counteract bulgarian influence in macedonia, thereby promoting serbian interests in region.

however, beginning of 20th century, continued serbian propaganda effort , work of cvijic had managed firmly entrench concept of macedonian slavs in european public opinion, , name used ‘bulgarians’. pro-bulgarian researchers such h. henry brailsford , n. forbes argued macedonian slavs differed both bulgarians , serbs. practically scholars before 1915, however, including pro-serbian ones such robert william seton-watson, admitted affinities of majority of them lay bulgarian cause , bulgarians , classified them such. in 1914 carnegie commission report states serbs , greeks classified slavs of macedonia distinct group slav-macedonians political purposes , term political euphemism designed conceal existence of bulgarians in macedonia .

bulgaria s entry world war on side of central powers signified dramatic shift in way european public opinion viewed slavic population of macedonia. central powers slavs of macedonia became nothing bulgarians, whereas allies turned other bulgarians. ultimate victory of allies in 1918 led victory of vision of slavic population of macedonia macedonian slavs, amorphous slavic mass without developed national consciousness.

during 1920s comintern developed new policy balkans, collaboration between communists , macedonian movement, , creation of united macedonian movement. idea new unified organization supported soviet union, saw chance of using developed revolutionary movement spread revolution in balkans , destabilize balkan monarchies. in so-called may manifesto of 6 may 1924, first time objectives of unified slav macedonian liberation movement presented: independence , unification of partitioned macedonia, fighting neighbouring balkan monarchies, forming balkan communist federation , cooperation soviet union.

later comintern published resolution recognition of macedonian ethnicity. text of document prepared in period december 20, 1933 – january 7, 1934, balkan secretariat of comintern. accepted political secretariat in moscow on january 11, 1934, , approved executive committee of comintern. resolution published first time in april issue of makedonsko delo under title ‘the situation in macedonia , tasks of imro (united)’.

missing national consciousness

what stood behind difficulties define nationality of slavic population of macedonia apparent levity population regarded it. existence of separate macedonian national consciousness prior 1940s disputed. confusion illustrated robert newman in 1935, recounts discovering in village in vardar macedonia 2 brothers, 1 considered himself serb, , other considered himself bulgarian. in village met man had been, macedonian peasant life , had varyingly been called turk, serb , bulgarian. anti-serb , pro-bulgarian feelings among local population @ period prevailed.

nationality in early-20th-century macedonia matter of political convictions , financial benefits, of considered politically correct @ specific time , of armed guerrilla group happened visit respondent s home last. process of hellenization @ end of 18th , beginning of 19th century affected limited stratum of population, bulgarian revival in middle of 19th century short form solid bulgarian consciousness, financial benefits given serbian propaganda tempting declined. not rare occurrence whole villages switch nationality greek bulgarian , serbian within few years or bulgarian in presence of bulgarian commercial agent , serbian in presence of serbian consul. on several occasions peasants reported have answered in affirmative when asked if bulgarians , again in affirmative when asked if serbs. though cannot valid whole population, many russian , western diplomats , travelers defined macedonians lacking proper national consciousness.

statistical data
ottoman statistics

the basis of ottoman censuses millet system. people assigned ethnic categories according religious affiliation. sunni muslims categorised turks, members of greek orthodox church greeks, while rest being divided between bulgarian , serb orthodox churches. censuses concluded province of christian majority, among whom bulgarians prevail.

1882 ottoman census in macedonia:

1895 census:

special survey in 1904 of hilmi pasha (648 thousand followes of ecumenical patriarchate , 557 thousand faithful of bulgarian exarchate, additional 250 thousand of former had identified bulgarian speakers.

census 1906:

rival statistical data

encyclopædia britannica

the 1911 edition of encyclopædia britannica gave following statistical estimates population of macedonia:

slavs (described in encyclopaedia slavonic population, bulk of regarded independent sources bulgarians ): approximately 1,150,000, whereof, 1,000,000 orthodox , 150,000 muslims (called pomaks)
turks: ca. 500,000 (muslims)
greeks: ca. 250,000, whereof ca. 240,000 orthodox , 14,000 muslims
albanians: ca. 120,000, whereof 10,000 orthodox , 110,000 muslims
vlachs: ca. 90,000 orthodox , 3,000 muslims
jews: ca. 75,000
roma: ca. 50,000, whereof 35,000 orthodox , 15,000 muslims

in total 1,300,000 christians (almost exclusively orthodox), 800,000 muslims, 75,000 jews, total population of ca. 2,200,000 whole of macedonia.

it needs taken account part of slavic-speaking population in southern macedonia regarded ethnically greek , smaller percentage, in northern macedonia, serbian. muslims (except albanians) tended view , viewed turks, irrespective of mother tongue.

sample statistical data neutral sources

the following data reflects population of wider region of macedonia defined serbs , bulgarians (aegean, vardar , pirin), corresponding manastir vilayet, salonica vilayet , kosovo vilayet of ottoman macedonia larger traditional region known greeks.

after great population exchanges of 1920s, 380,000 turks left greece , 538,253 greeks came macedonia asia minor. after signing of treaty of neuilly-sur-seine in 1919, greece , bulgaria agreed on population exchange on remaining bulgarian minority in macedonia. in same year 66,000 bulgarians , other slavophones left bulgaria , serbia, while 58,709 greeks entered greece bulgaria

statistical data of greek macedonia

according a. angelopoulos, published in journal of balkan studies, greek macedonia s national makeup in 1913 44.2% greek, 38.9% muslim, 8.7% bulgarian , 8.2% others. according carnegie survey. total numbers belonging various nationalities in territory little larger portion in same region ceded greeks turks 1,042,029 inhabitants, of whom 329,371 bulgarians, 314,854 turks, 236,755 greeks, 68,206 jews, 44,414 wallachians, 25,302 gypsies, 15,108 albanians, 8,019 miscellaneous.

according league of nations , @ 1928 census population consisted of 1,341,00 greeks (88.8%), 77,000 bulgarians (5%), 2,000 turks , 91,000 others, according greek archival sources total number of slavic speakers 200,000.


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