Violence United States pro-life movement

violent incidents directed against abortion providers have included arson , bombings of abortion clinics, , murders or attempted murders of physicians , clinic staff, doctors provide abortions. acts of violence against abortion providers , facilities in north america have largely subsided following peak in mid-1990s included murders of drs. david gunn, john britton, , barnett slepian , attempted murder of dr. george tiller. tiller murdered in church in 2009.

nearly anti-abortion leaders condemn use of violence in movement, describing aberration , saying no 1 in organizations associated acts of violence. there is, however, small extremist fringe element of right-to-life movement in usa, supports, raises money for, , attempts justify anti-abortion violence, including murders of abortion workers, fringe element calls justifiable homicides .

anti-abortion activists have been targets of criminal intimidation , violence, included murder of james pouillon.


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