Censorship 2011–15 Myanmar political reforms

the government has relaxed press , internet censorship laws, example allowing photographs of aung san suu kyi published on front page of local newspapers. tint swe, head of country s censorship authority, press scrutiny , registration division, said censorship incompatible democratic practices , should abolished. presidential adviser has indicated press censorship abolished in 2012 under new media legislation. in september 2011, several banned websites including youtube, democratic voice of burma , voice of america have been unblocked.

in january 2012, ministry of information announced had forwarded draft of new media , press law attorney general s office review. draft law, need approved pyidaungsu hluttaw (national parliament), borrows language similar laws in cambodia, indonesia , vietnam. draft law, adapted 1962 printers , publishers registration law, not submitted during second parliamentary session.

in march 2012, minister of information, kyaw hsan, said country undergoing 3-step process in reforming media regulation: (1) relaxation of regulations allow individual publications exercise self-censorship , accountability, (2) promulgation of new print media law, (3) regulation of print media through new print media law. on similar note, yi htut, information , public relations division s director-general stated new media law avoid extremes of past, outline journalists rights , responsibilities , in consultation unesco experts regard new law.


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