Gremlin Steps (Instruction Set) Gremlin (programming language)

the gremlin language (i.e. fluent-style of expressing graph traversal) can represented in host language supports function composition , function nesting. due simple requirement, there exists various gremlin dialects including gremlin-groovy, gremlin-scala, gremlin-clojure, etc. above gremlin-java8 traversal compiled down step sequence called traversal. string representation of traversal above provided below.

the steps primitives of gremlin graph traversal machine. parameterized instructions machine executes. gremlin instruction set approximately 30 steps. these steps sufficient provide general purpose computing , typically required express common motifs of graph traversal query.

given gremlin language, instruction set, , virtual machine, possible design traversal language compiles gremlin traversal machine (analogous how scala compiles jvm). instance, popular sparql graph pattern match language can compiled execute on gremlin machine. following sparql query

would compile to

in gremlin-java8, sparql query above represented below , compile identical gremlin step sequence (i.e. traversal).


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