Individual dogs and wolves Middle-earth animals

1 individual dogs , wolves

1.1 carcharoth
1.2 draugluin
1.3 fang, grip , wolf
1.4 huan

individual dogs , wolves

named dogs appear in 2 pieces of tolkien s fiction not part of legendarium: garm, significant character in farmer giles of ham, , rover, titular protagonist of roverandom.


the mightiest of wolves , bred morgoth , set guard gates of angband. bit off beren s hand silmaril , maddened touch. carcharoth slain huan, not before managed wound mortally both hound , beren.


a werewolf (the first exist) in service of sauron in first age.

bred wolves , inhabited evil spirit sent morgoth himself, draugluin sire of werewolves of beleriand, including carcharoth, , lived master sauron in tol-in-gaurhoth, former watchtower of finrod felagund.

draugluin slain hound huan during quest silmaril, , beren , lúthien used pelt sneak angband.

an earlier form of name drauglir. while draugluin translates blue wolf in sindarin, closer translation believed pale wolf.

fang, grip , wolf

farmer maggot s guard-dogs.


huan, known hound of valinor, great hound, approximately same size small horse, given celegorm, 1 of sons of fëanor, vala oromë hunter. when noldor under fëanor rebelled, huan went middle-earth master. reason, fell under doom of mandos.

when beren had gone finrod felagund angband had been captured in tol-in-gaurhoth, lúthien set out rescue him. intercepted celegorm , curufin; whereas huan captured her, , brought before celegorm. celegorm , curufin took prisoner nargothrond, secretly plotting wed celegorm , thereby force alliance lúthien s father thingol. huan felt pity lúthien, , therefore told of way escape, , accompanied tol-in-gaurhoth rescue beren, killed of sauron s werewolves, sauron himself in wolf form. thereafter huan returned celegorm, had been exiled nargothrond orodreth.

on way himring, celegorm, curufin, , huan came across beren , lúthien in north of doriath. curufin tried kill lúthien, huan drove celegorm , curufin away, , told beren , lúthien of plan gain entrance angband, disguised werewolf draugluin , vampire thuringwethil. after beren , lúthien had won silmaril beren had lost hand wolf carcharoth, huan joined beren, thingol, beleg cúthalion, , mablung capture former. huan , beren killed carcharoth; huan mortally wounded, wished beren fare-well, , died.

tolkien wrote either beast-shaped maia or common animal told speak valar.


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