Regulation and deregulation Natural gas storage

1 regulation , deregulation

1.1 united states
1.2 iran

1.2.1 sarajeh reservoir
1.2.2 shurijeh gas storage tank project

1.3 canada
1.4 united kingdom

regulation , deregulation

united states

interstate pipeline companies in subject jurisdiction of federal energy regulatory commission (ferc). prior 1992, these companies owned gas flowed through systems. included gas in storage facility, on had complete control. ferc order 636 implemented. required companies operate facilities, including gas storage on open access basis. gas storage, meant these companies reserve capacity needed maintain system integrity. rest of capacity available leasing third parties on nondiscriminatory basis. open access has opened wide variety of application gas storage, particularly marketers can exploit price arbitrage opportunities. storage capacity priced @ cost-based pricing, unless provider can demonstrate ferc lacks market power, in case may allowed price @ market-based rates gain market share. ferc defines market power ..the ability of seller profitably maintain prices above competitive levels significant period of time. . underlying pricing structure storage has discouraged development in gas storage sector, has not seen many new storage facilities constructed, besides current ones being expanded. in 2005, ferc announced new order 678 targeted particularly gas storage. rule intended stimulate development of new gas storage facility in ultimate goal of reducing natural gas price volatility. commission chairman joseph t. kelliher observed: since 1988, natural gas demand in united states has risen 24 percent. on same period, gas storage capacity has increased 1.4 percent. while construction of storage capacity has lagged behind demand natural gas, have seen record levels of price volatility. suggests current storage capacity inadequate. further, year, storage capacity exists may full far earlier in previous year. according analysts, raises prospect domestic gas production may shut-in. our final rule should reduce price volatility , expand storage capacity. ruling aims @ opening 2 approaches developers of natural gas storage, able charge market-based rates. first 1 redefinition of relevant product market storage includes alternatives storage such available pipeline capacity, local gas production , lng terminals. second approach aims @ implementing section 312 of energy policy act. allow applicant request authority charge market-based rates if lack of market power has not been demonstrated, in circumstances market-based rates in public interest , necessary encourage construction of storage capacity in area needing storage service , customers adequately protected, commission said. expected new order entice developers, independent storage operators, develop new facilities in near future.


the underground gas storage company, subsidiary of national iranian gas company, established in 2007 following objectives:

sarajeh reservoir

sarajeh reservoir depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs storage capacity of 3/3 billion cubic meters of natural gas, company said. storage capacity of project remove gas stored in reservoir during third phase follows considering are. - phase 1: 10 million cubic meters of gas per day - phase 2: 20 million cubic meters of gas per day - phase 3: 30 million cubic meters of gas per day. project started @ end of 86 years date 10/17/85, 16% , 54% of initial installation of goods has grown. after 87 years @ end of company s natural gas storage development project, installation of goods supplied 84% reached. electric power supply operation end of project has not improved in 86 years @ end of year 87 5/96% reached. gas injection project design, installation , commissioning of gas injection compressors 87 till 3/9% has been developed.

shurijeh gas storage tank project

the gas storage tank project in shurijeh. tank capacity approx 8 quarters , ability produce 40 billion cubic meter. gas in there , execute following phases of project have been considered: - first phase of 10 ad. ce. m.. injection of 20 m. ce. ce. - phase ii 20 m. m.. m.. r. injection , 40 mm


in alberta, gas storage rates not regulated , providers negotiate rates customers on contract-by-contract basis. carbon facility owned atco gas regulated, since atco utility company. therefore, atco gas has charge cost-based rates customers, , can market additional capacities @ market-based rates. in ontario, gas storage regulated ontario energy board. available storage owned vertically integrated utilities. utility companies have price storage capacity sold customers @ cost-based rates, can market remaining capacity @ market-based rates. storage developed independent storage developers can charge market-based rates. in british columbia, gas storage not regulated. available storage capacity marketed @ market-based rates.

united kingdom

the regulation of gas storage, transportation , sale overseen ofgem (a government regulator). has been case since gas industry privatised in 1986. forms of gas storage owned transco (now part of national grid plc), national network has largely been broken down regional networks, owned different companies, still answerable ofgem.


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