Variants DefTech AV8

1 variants

1.1 ifv30
1.2 ifv25
1.3 12.7mm rws
1.4 lct30 atgw
1.5 120mm mortar
1.6 non-combat variants


the av8 delivered in 12 variants. total of 124 units ifv30 , ifv25 variants in first batch of 257 av8s.


lct30 turret

the numerous variant ifv30, equipped lct30 turret. lct30 two-man turret designed , manufactured in south africa denel land systems. denel lct30 turret armed denel gi30 30mm gun , 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. gi 30 stabilised , has computerised fire control system enables targets engaged under day & night conditions high first shot round hit probability when vehicle moving. 78 units of variant produced in first batch of 257 av8s.



the ifv25 amphibious variant of av8, , armed one-man sharpshooter turret. fnss sharpshooter turret armed bushmaster 25mm autocannon. 7.62mm coaxial machine gun mounted left side of main armament. turret stabilised , can fire on move in both day , night. ifv25 variant has additional floats on right side of vehicle balance vehicle during amphibious operations. 46 units of variant produced in first batch of 257 av8s.

12.7mm rws

the 12.7mm rws variant lightly armed afv variant of av8 , equipped 12.7mm remote weapon station. 54 units of variant produced in first batch of 257 av8s.

lct30 atgw

zt3 ingwe atgm

the lct30 atgw variant well-armed variant of av8, , equipped lct30 atgw turret denel land systems. lct30 atgw turret armed denel gi30 30mm gun , 1 7.62mm coaxial machine gun 4 zt3 ingwe 127mm anti-tank guided missiles. ingwe laser beam riding missile range of 5000m , ability engage moving targets. 54 units of variant produced in first batch of 257 av8s.

it s expected in service 2020.

120mm mortar

this variant highest calibre variant of av8, , equipped self-loading 120mm mortar. 8 units of variant produced in first batch of 257 av8s.

non-combat variants

armoured surveillance vehicle battlefield radar , mast mounted sensors (24)
command vehicles (13)
armoured ambulances (9)
armoured recovery vehicles (9)
maintenance vehicles (9)
engineering , nbc reconnaissance vehicles (4)
signals intelligence vehicles (3)

^ armyrecognition . retrieved 24 november 2014. 
^ military today . retrieved 18 december 2014. 
^ denel land systems . retrieved 18 december 2014. 
^ greendef . retrieved 31 december 2014. 
^ s4m magazine . archived original on 24 november 2014. retrieved 24 november 2014. 


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