Admission process Admission to the Union

the order in original 13 states ratified constitution, order in others admitted union.

historically, new states brought being congress have been established organized incorporated u.s. territory, created , governed congress in accord plenary power under article iv, section 3, clause 2 of constitution. in cases, entire territory became state; in others part of territory became state. in cases, organized government of territory made known sentiment of population in favor of statehood, referendum. congress directed government organize constitutional convention write state constitution. upon acceptance of constitution, people of territory , congress, adopt joint resolution granting statehood , president issue proclamation announcing new state has been added union. while congress, has ultimate authority on admission of new states, has followed procedure, there have been occasions (due unique case-specific circumstances) did not.

congress under no obligation admit states, in areas population expresses desire statehood. in 1 instance, mormon pioneers in salt lake city sought establish state of deseret in 1849. existed on 2 years , never approved united states congress. in another, leaders of 5 civilized tribes (cherokee, chickasaw, choctaw, creek, , seminole) in indian territory proposed establish state of sequoyah in 1905, means retain control of lands. proposed constitution failed in u.s. congress. instead, indian territory incorporated new state of oklahoma in 1907.

some u.s. territories existed short time before becoming states, while others remained territories decades. shortest-lived alabama territory @ 2 years, while new mexico , hawaii territories both in existence more 50 years. entry of several states union has been delayed due complicating factors. among them, michigan territory, petitioned congress statehood in 1835, not admitted union until 1837, due boundary dispute adjoining state of ohio. republic of texas requested annexation united states in 1837, fears potential conflict mexico delayed admission of texas 9 years. also, statehood kansas territory held several years (1854–61) due series of internal violent conflicts involving anti-slavery , pro-slavery factions.

once established, state borders have, few exceptions, been stable. notable exceptions include: various portions (the western land claims) of several original states ceded on period of several years federal government, in turn became northwest territory, southwest territory, , mississippi territory; 1791 cession maryland , virginia of land create district of columbia (virginia s portion returned in 1847); , creation, on @ least 3 separate occasions, of new state (kentucky, maine , west virginia) region of existing state. (vermont created disputedly claimed part of new york , not admitted until new york consented); 2 large additions nevada, became state in 1864, made in 1866 , 1867. however, there have been numerous minor adjustments state boundaries on years due improved surveys, resolution of ambiguous or disputed boundary definitions, or minor mutually agreed boundary adjustments administrative convenience or other purposes. 1 notable example case new jersey v. new york, in new jersey won 90% of ellis island new york in 1998.


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