Demographics Vas County

in 2015, had population of 253,997 , population density 76/km².


besides hungarian majority, main minorities croats (approx. 3,000), roma (2,500), germans (2,000) , slovenes (1,500).

total population (2011 census): 256,629

ethnic groups (2011 census): identified themselves: 225 052 persons:

hungarians: 214 512 (95,32%)
croats: 3 102 (1,38%)
gypsies: 2 559 (1,14%)
others , indefinable: 4 879 (2,17%)

approx. 39,000 persons in vas county did not declare ethnic group @ 2011 census.


religious adherence in county according 2011 census:

catholic – 150,912 (roman catholic – 150,575; greek catholic – 276);
evangelical – 15,135;
reformed – 7,113;
other religions – 2,087;
non-religious – 13,621;
atheism – 1,895;
undeclared – 65,866.

^ népessé, vas megye népessége 1870-2015
^ 1.1.6. népesség anyanyelv, nemzetiség és nemek szerint – frissítve: 2013.04.17.; hungarian central statistical office (in hungarian)
^ 2011. Évi nÉpszÁmlÁlÁs, 3. területi adatok, 3.18 vas megye, (in hungarian) [1]


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