Heir to Antoninus Pius, 136–145 Early life and career of Marcus Aurelius

bust of antoninus pius house of jason magnus @ cyrene, north africa (british museum).

immediately after hadrian s death, antoninus approached marcus , requested marriage arrangements amended: marcus betrothal ceionia fabia annulled, , betrothed faustina, antoninus daughter, instead. faustina s betrothal ceionia s brother lucius commodus have annulled. marcus consented antoninus proposal.

pius bolstered marcus dignity: marcus made consul 140, pius colleague, , appointed seviri, 1 of knights 6 commanders, @ order s annual parade on 15 july 139. heir apparent, marcus became princeps iuventutis, head of equestrian order. took name caesar: marcus aelius aurelius verus caesar. marcus later caution himself against taking name seriously: see not turn caesar; not dipped purple dye—for can happen . @ senate s request, marcus joined priestly colleges (pontifices, augures, quindecimviri sacris faciundis, septemviri epulonum, etc.); direct evidence membership, however, available arval brethren.

pius demanded marcus take residence in house of tiberius, imperial palace on palatine. pius made him take habits of new station, aulicum fastigium or pomp of court , against marcus objections. marcus struggle reconcile life of court philosophic yearnings. told himself attainable goal— life possible, possible live right life; life possible in palace, possible live right life in palace —but found difficult nonetheless. criticize himself in meditations abusing court life in front of company.

marcus had love , respect adoptive father. tribute gives pius in first book of meditations longest of any. have more influence on young marcus other person.

from father: gentleness , unshaken resolution in judgments taken after full examination; no vainglory external honours; love of work , perseverance; readiness hear had contribute public advantage; desire reward every man according desert without partiality; experience knew tighten reign, relax. prohibition of unnatural practices, social tact , permission suite not invariably present @ banquets nor attend progress rome, matter of obligation, , found same had failed attend him through engagements. exact scrutiny in council , patience; not avoiding investigation, satisfied first impressions. inclination keep friends, , fastidious or victim of manias own master in everything, , outward mien cheerful. long foresight , ordering of merest trifle without making scenes. check in reign put upon organized applause , every form of lip-service; unceasing watch on needs of empire , stewardship of resources; patience under criticism individuals of such conduct. no superstitious fear of divine powers nor man courting of public or obsequiousness or cultivation of popular favour, temperance in things , firmness; want of taste or search novelty.

as quaestor, marcus have had little real administrative work do. read imperial letters senate when pius absent, , secretarial work senators. duties consul more significant: 1 of 2 senior representatives of senate, preside on meetings , take major role in body s administrative functions. felt drowned in paperwork, , complained tutor, fronto: out of breath dictating thirty letters . being fitted ruling state , in words of biographer. required make speech assembled senators well, making oratorical training essential job.

on 1 january 145, marcus made consul second time. might have been unwell @ time: letter fronto might have been sent @ time urges marcus have plenty of sleep may come senate colour , read speech strong voice . marcus had complained of illness in earlier letter: far strength concerned, beginning back; , there no trace of pain in chest. ulcer [...] having treatment , taking care not interferes it. marcus never particularly healthy or strong. roman historian cassius dio, writing of later years, praised him behaving dutifully in spite of various illnesses.

a bust of faustina younger, marcus wife (louvre)

in april 145, marcus married faustina, had been planned since 138. since marcus was, adoption, pius son, under roman law marrying sister; pius have had formally release 1 or other paternal authority (his patria potestas) ceremony take place. little known of ceremony, said have been noteworthy . coins issued heads of couple, , pius, pontifex maximus, have officiated. marcus makes no apparent reference marriage in surviving letters, , sparing references faustina.

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