Location Golf at the 2016 Summer Olympics

the golf course of december 2015. surrounding reserva de marapendi seen in foreground , @ right.

the new olympic golf course built @ reserva de marapendi in barra da tijuca zone. hanse golf course design chosen 8 contenders build course. founder , president gil hanse reacted news in saying: m excited selection panel felt our efforts ones best matched criteria set organisers. have signed world golf hall of famer amy alcott work on project.

the president of organizing committee of olympic , paralympic games rio 2016, carlos arthur nuzman, said: [the 2016 games] marks return of golf olympic games after on century of absence, course represents beginning of new chapter in history of sport. enable rio host important events in international calendar , example of sustainability , preservation of environmentally protected area. course excellent facility practice , development of golf , inspire millions of youth across brazil , globe. forward welcoming athletes , spectators course in 2016.

after games, course become public facility , used enhance golf s profile within brazil; according organising committee, represent 1 of important olympic games legacies sport development in country.

the olympic committee said 1 of goals olympics create environmentally sustainable games. in building golf course, grass selection critical sustainability , water use. quality of water irrigation source course in question, grasses selected had salt-tolerant. grass sprigged on greens of course seadwarf seashore paspalum, highly salt-tolerant grass variety. grass planted on tees , fairways zeon zoysia, developed bladerunner farms in poteet, texas. zeon zoysia warm-season turfgrass requires little fertilizer , minimal maintenance. both grasses grown on sod farm in brazil @ green grass brasil. sod farm licensed producer of both grass varieties.


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