Residence halls Campus of Virginia Tech

1 residence halls

1.1 ambler johnston hall
1.2 hillcrest hall
1.3 lee hall
1.4 oak lane community
1.5 slusher hall
1.6 other residence halls
1.7 living learning communities
1.8 residence hall federation

residence halls
ambler johnston hall

ambler johnston hall large co-ed undergraduate residence hall located on washington street across cassell coliseum parking lot in known summit community. completed in 1968, hall named after ambler johnston, 1904 graduate of virginia tech, co-founder of carneal & johnston architects (now ballou justice , upton architects).

the hall divided 2 wings, commonly referred east aj , west aj on campus. west aj larger of 2 halls , taller 1 story. wings connected commons areas on first, third, , sixth floors.

west aj s fourth floor location of first of 2 attacks during virginia tech shootings on april 16, 2007, resulted in shooting deaths of female resident , male resident adviser. in 2010, 2 students reported have broken onto roof of larger hall, west ambler johnston.

east ambler johnston reopened in fall of 2011 honors residential college (hrc). newly renovated east aj features rooms private baths, several apartments 4 student share living room, bath, 2 bedrooms, , kitchen. traditional halls bathroom facilities shared half floor retained; however, these remodeled. latest renovation added air conditioning.

in bridge spans between east , west aj , on lower levels, there meeting rooms, student kitchen, game room, weight/exercise room, theater, library, mail room, , laundry facilities can accessed through university s laundry web (students can reserve machines , see if wash/dry done via internet). in bridge apartment faculty members in residence in hrc.

west aj reopened in fall of 2012. houses university s second residential college approximately 800 students , divided 4 houses: hickory, hawthorn, honey locust, , holly. residential college focuses on building of community values , partnership, each house holding own events , having own government structure.

hillcrest honors community

hillcrest hall

hilcrest honors community smallest residence hall in virginia tech @ student capacity of 108. unlike of other residence halls on campus, required of occupants maintain grade point average of 3.50 , customary live in building duration of undergraduate education. honors residential college in east ambler johnston other residence hall has same requirements.

in addition being residence hall on second , third floors, hillcrest houses virginia tech s university honors offices on first floor , residence hall federation office in basement. community residents have opportunity maintain close personal relationships honors staff.

hillcrest hall 1 of few buildings , residence hall @ virginia tech not named person. name derived location @ crest of hill @ east end of virginia tech s central drillfield, between west campus drive , grove. 1 of few red brick buildings on campus known hokie stone architecture.

when women integrated vpi, first , women s dormitory , built on far corner of campus near several livestock barns used college of agriculture once stood near harper hall stands. when hillcrest opened in 1940 promptly dubbed skirt barn vpi cadets. 1 of honors offices on first floor used courting room when hillcrest hall women s dormitory. because visitation not permitted in residence hall, , women not allowed leave campus on dates, courting took place in room. young men enter room 1 door , young ladies enter room another. few feet away room house mother there supervise.

lee hall (left) , pritchard hall (right)

lee hall

lee hall located on washington street in prairie community. building named claudius lee, alumnus , long-time faculty member.

lee hall houses 824 residents on 8 floors (seven floors , ground level) including galileo, hypatia, , biological , life sciences (da vinci , curie) theme housing programs.

in 1997 students in history class found page in 1896 bugle (virginia tech s student yearbook) seemed indicate claudius lee had been president of campus ku klux klan. students demanded lee hall be-renamed, prompted outcry alumni had known late claudius lee during long tenure professor. panel named then-president paul torgersen address issue examined available historical records organization. klan expert hired university, john kneebone, determined klan extinct in virginia in 1896 (the modern klan in fact dates 1915 rally, in stone mountain, georgia), leaving open possibility may have been kind of collegiate society or fraternity attempting appropriate image of nineteenth-century klan.

lee hall s penthouse, highest point in blacksburg, home campus radio station, wuvt s, transmitter until may 2009, when station vacated lee hall part of process of upgrading new transmitter , transmit location atop price mountain.

oak lane community

the oak lane community located off of duck pond , virginia tech golf course. community features 15 houses serve 19 fraternity , sorority chapters. community designated special purpose housing , while buildings considered private homes, facilities owned , maintained virginia tech housing , residence life. oak lane home pilot program, innovate entrepreneurial living learning community.

slusher hall

the twelve-story slusher tower built in 1972 tallest building in blacksburg. slusher tower, including three-story annex, slusher wing, co-ed residence hall, home wing , mosaic theme housing programs.

the green adjacent slusher tower, slusher wing, , campbell hall has long been referred slusher beach , originating use of area students sunbathe , play beach volleyball during warm weather.

virginia tech s main eggleston hall

pritchard hall seen o shaughnessy hall

campbell hall

other residence halls

barringer hall – 1 of 4 remaining all-male residence halls. located in president s quad , houses 220 students. built in 1962 named paul brandon barringer.
brodie hall – (1957-2015) brodie hall opened in 1957 result of renovation , addition barracks no. 3 (1900). named col. william mayo brodie, professor 1901 1932, brodie hall served dorm corps of cadets 58 years. brodie hall demolished in 2015 , replaced new cadet hall, completed in august, 2017.
campbell hall – main building, built in 1930 , known barracks no. 8, oldest hokie stone dormitory @ virginia tech. home 164 honors , graduate students. east campbell, known barracks no. 9, built in 1939 wpa project 1 of 3 all-female residence halls.
cochrane hall – non-air-conditioned suite-style residence hall connected west end market. built in 1983, first suite style residence hall on virginia tech campus. home many first-year student athletes.
eggleston hall – built in 1935 wpa project divided 3 wings. constructed barracks when virginia tech male military school, main eggleston building co-ed residence hall separated floor. west eggleston co-ed floor , home upperclassmen. east eggleston used office space, second , third floors reserved residential use.
graduate life center @ donaldson-brown – former hotel , conference center. lowest floor home graduate school s administrative offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, , small au bon pain restaurant. remaining 3 floors graduate residences.
harper hall – 1 of few suite-style air-conditioned residence halls on campus. built in 1999 houses 256 residents. first-year students assigned harper, result of allergies.
johnson hall – all-female residence hall, located in president s quad , houses 190 students.
major williams hall - (1957-1995) named after major lloyd w. williams, dorm opened in 1957 upon completion of addition & renovation project combined barracks no. 5,(1904) & barracks no. 6 (1927). in 1995, addition constructed , building re-purposed academic use.
miles hall – all-male residence hall built in 1964, located in president s quad , houses 217 students.
new cadet hall – (2017) opened in august, 2017, new cadet hall exact mirror duplicate of pearson hall (2015) , designed house approximately 1 half of members of corps of cadets.
monteith hall – (1949) housing both civilian , corp of cadets students. located in upper quad. monteith hall demolished in 2016.
new residence hall east – air-conditioned suite-style residence hall opened in 1999 on prairie; former site of miles stadium, lane stadium s predecessor.
new hall west – virginia tech s newest residence hall. ground floor houses live-in professional staff , first floor dedicated student affairs offices. top 3 floors air-conditioned double-occupancy sized rooms reserved upperclassmen.
newman hall – co-ed residence hall located in president s quad. co-ed floor , home world , w.e.l.l theme housing program.
o shaughnessy hall – mid-sized co-ed residence hall, floor. houses many upper-class students.
payne hall – virginia tech s first air-conditioned residence hall; opened in 1993. houses returning students , transfers only.
pearson hall - (2015) pearson hall named after alumni james j , renae pearson. dedicated on november 20, 2015, pearson hall replaced rasche hall (1957-2013). totaling 234 dorm rooms, pearson hall designed house approximately 1 half of members of corps of cadets.
peddrew-yates residence hall – (formerly new residence hall west) home residential leadership community (rlc), suite-style air-conditioned residence hall.
pritchard hall – second-largest all-male residence hall on east coast. became co-ed in fall of 2009 , houses 1,040 students, freshmen. residence hall largest @ virginia tech.
rasche hall – (1957-2013) in 1957, first academic building (1876) razed construct rasche hall, new building incorporated remodeled barracks no. 2. , served barracks corps of cadets until demolition in 2013. pearson hall constructed on site in 2014-2015.
thomas hall – (1949, renovated in 1970 & 2004) co-ed residence hall, housing 355 students, located in upper quad. thomas hall scheduled demolition in 2016.
vawter hall – co-ed residence hall located in president s quad near owens dining hall , hokie grill. vawter all-male until 2013, when made co-ed. floors separated gender: first floor all-male, second floor co-ed, , third floor female.

living learning communities

virginia tech offers 15 living learning communities on-campus students. serve alternative experience residents , communities range entrepreneurship community service.

residence hall federation

the residence hall federation (rhf) university chartered student organization. organization exists serve 9,000 on-campus residents through hall councils in each residence hall. rhf composed of 23 hall councils, representing residents of each hall, , 3 community councils, represent 2 or more halls share common trait. each individual hall council receives programming budget of $1 per resident (or $400 if there fewer 400 residents) student programs office , rhf budget. rhf officer group consists of 16 members, composing executive board , board of directors.

like resident advisors employed school, hall councils produce programs entertain , educate residents of buildings serve. these programs range movie nights exam study breaks. in addition, rhf officer group puts on campus-wide programs, under command of director of programs. traditionally, campus-wide programs have been campus-kickoff, pizza bonanza, , hokies hold em. rhf performs number of community service projects.


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