Romanian propaganda Demographic history of Macedonia

map showing areas romanian schools aromanians , megleno-romanians in ottoman empire (1886)

attempts @ romanian propaganda among aromanian population of macedonia began in 19th century , based manly on linguistic criteria, claim of common thraco-roman origin of romanians (daco-romanians) , aromanians (macedo-romanians), 2 numerous vlach populations. first romanian vlach school was, however, established in 1864 in macedonia. total number of schools grew 93 @ beginning of 20th century. though romanian propaganda made success in bitola, kruševo, , in aromanian villages in districts of bitola , ohrid. macedonian aromanians regarded separate ethnic group, , romanians view such nations subgroups of wider vlach ethnicity.

during second balkan war, when bulgaria attacked greece , serbia, romania took advantage of situation occupy region of south dobrudja, majority of population bulgarian , turkish. considered repayment lands in macedonia, occupied aromanians included in bulgaria after first balkan war.


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