Solo career Tom Chaplin

the album name wave announced via twitter , facebook on 10 august 2016. same day, hardened heart released music video. on 26 august 2016, quicksand released first single album. on 6 september 2016, chaplin announced playing 8 intimate solo shows across uk in october 2016. these first solo gigs 4 years. wave released on 14 october 2016 island records. 4 singles released album: quicksand , still waiting , solid gold (of single release collaboration jones, rather solo version appears on album), , see clear . release of wave followed announcement of carried wave tour, longer set of dates running between january , september 2017. tour consisted of 4 legs: first in united states , canada, across europe, third leg in uk during may 2017 , last leg in latin america.

2017–present: twelve tales of christmas

on 13 october 2017, chaplin announced had recorded first solo christmas album, entitled twelve tales of christmas, released on 17 november 2017. simultaneously first single album released, entitled under million lights . album consist of 8 original tracks , 4 cover versions: walking in air (written howard blake), 2000 miles (originally pretenders), river (originally joni mitchell) , stay day (originally east 17). announced chaplin performing 3 gigs accompany release of album; @ palace theatre in manchester on 10 december 2017, @ forum in bath on 11 december , @ royal festival hall in london on 12 december.


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