The first dynasty and aftermath History of the Philadelphia Athletics

longtime manager connie mack, pictured in 1911.

in 1909, s moved major leagues first concrete-and-steel ballpark, shibe park. remains second , last time in franchise history new ballpark built s. later in decade, mack bought 25% of team s stock owned jones , hough become full partner shibe. shibe ceded mack full control on baseball side while retaining control on business side.

in 1914, athletics lost 1914 world series miracle braves in four-game sweep. mack traded, sold or released of team s star players after. in book every thing season, bruce kuklick points out there suspicions s had thrown series, or @ least laid down , perhaps in protest of mack s frugal ways. mack himself alluded rumor years later, debunked it. claimed team torn numerous internal factions, , distracted allure of third major league, federal league.

the signature tower , cupola entrance shibe park, 1909

the federal league had been formed begin play in 1914. al had done 13 years before, new league raided existing al , nl teams players. several of best players, including bender, had decided jump before world series. mack refused match upstart league s offers, preferring rebuild younger (and less expensive) players. result swift , near-total collapse. athletics went 99–53 (.651) record , pennant in 1914 record of 43–109 (.283) , last place in 1915, , 36–117 (.235, still modern major-league low) in 1916. team finish in last place every year through 1922 , not contend again until 1925. shibe died in 1922, , sons tom , john took on business side, leaving baseball side mack. time mack had cemented famous image of tall, gaunt , well-dressed man waving players position scorecard. unlike managers, chose wear high-collar shirt, tie, ascot scarf, , straw boater hat instead of uniform, never changed rest of life, decades after went out of fashion. came @ price of mack not being allowed on-field during games per league regulations.


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