20th century Demographic history of Macedonia

1 20th century

1.1 greece
1.2 yugoslavia
1.3 bulgaria
1.4 albania
1.5 republic of macedonia

20th century

the balkan wars (1912–1913) , world war (1914–1918) left region of macedonia divided among greece, serbia, bulgaria, , albania , resulted in significant changes in ethnic composition. 50% of region s territory went greece, 40% serbia , 10% bulgaria. @ least several hundred thousand, left homes, remaining subjected assimilation liberators after balkan war wanted assimilate as inhabitants possible , colonize settlers form respective nation. greeks become largest population in region. formerly leading muslim , bulgarian communities reduced either extermination or change of identity.


the slavic population viewed slavophone greeks , prepared reeducated in greek. vestiges of bulgarian , slavic macedonia in greece have been eliminated balkan wars, continuing present. greeks detested bulgarians (slavs of macedonia), considering them less human bears, practising systematic , inhumane methods of extermination , assimilation. use of bulgarian language had been prohibited, persecution police peaked, while during regime of metaxas vigorous assimilation campaign launched. civilians have been persecuted solely identifying bulgarian slogans if want free, greek shall cut tongues teach speak greek. become greeks again, being condition of peaceful life. christians or bulgarians? voice of alexander great calls tomb; not hear it?you sleep on , go on calling yourselves bulgarians! wast thou born @ sofia; there no bulgarians in macedonia; whole population greek. t goes live in bulgaria, reply protests, bulgarian. no more bulgarians in greek macedonia. remaining bulgarians threatened use of force made become greeks , sign declaration stating had been greek since ancient times, influence of komitadji became bulgarians fifteen years ago, nevertheless there no real change in consciousness. in many villages people put prison , released after having proclaimed greeks. slavic dialect considered being of lowest intelligence assumptions consists thousand words of vocabulary. there official records showing children professing bulgarian identity murdered declining profess greek identity.

after treaty of bucharest, 51% of modern region known macedonia won greek state (also known aegean or greek macedonia). part of macedonia greece directly interested in. greeks regarded land true region of macedonia geographically corresponded ancient macedon , contained ethnically greek majority of population. bulgarian , other non-greek schools in southern (greek) macedonia closed , bulgarian teachers , priests deported first balkan war simultaneous deportation of greeks bulgaria. bulk of slavic population of southeastern macedonia fled bulgaria during second balkan war or resettled there in 1920s virtue of population exchange agreement. slavic minority in greek macedonia, referred greek authorities slavomacedonians , slavophone greeks , bulgarisants , subjected gradual assimilation greek majority. numbers reduced large-scale emigration north america in 1920s , 1930s , eastern europe , yugoslavia following greek civil war (1944–1949). @ same time number of macedonian greeks monastiri (modern bitola) entered greece.

the 1923 compulsory population exchange between greece , turkey led radical change in ethnic composition of greek macedonia. 380,000 turks , other muslims left region , replaced 538,253 greeks asia minor , eastern thrace, including pontic greeks northeastern anatolia , caucasus greeks south caucasus.

according league of nations, population data southern macedonia in 1928 following:

greece attacked , occupied nazi-led axis during world war ii. beginning of 1941 whole of greece under tripartite german, italian , bulgarian occupation. bulgarians permitted occupy western thrace , parts of greek macedonia, persecuted , committed massacres , other atrocities against greek population. once thriving jewish community of thessaloniki decimated nazis, deported 60,000 of city s jews german death camps in germany , german-occupied poland. large jewish populations in bulgarian occupied zone deported bulgarian army , had equal death rate german zone.

the bulgarian army occupied whole of eastern macedonia , western thrace, greeted part of slav-speakers liberators. unlike germany , italy, bulgaria officially annexed occupied territories, had long been target of bulgarian irridentism. massive campaign of bulgarisation launched, saw greek officials deported. campaign successful in eastern , later in central macedonia, when bulgarians entered area in 1943. slav-speakers there regarded bulgarians. not effective in german occupied western macedonia. ban placed on use of greek language, names of towns , places changed forms traditional in bulgarian.

in addition, bulgarian government tried alter ethnic composition of region, expropriating land , houses greeks in favour of bulgarian settlers. same year, german high command approved foundation of bulgarian military club in thessaloníki. bulgarians organized supplying of food , provisions slavic population in central , western macedonia, aiming gain local population in german , italian occupied zones. bulgarian clubs started gain support among parts of population. many communist political prisoners released intercession of bulgarian club in thessaloniki, had made representations german occupation authorities. declared bulgarian ethnicity. in 1942, bulgarian club asked assistance high command in organizing armed units among slavic-speaking population in northern greece. purpose, bulgarian army, under approval of german forces in balkans sent handful of officers bulgarian army, zones occupied italian , german troops attached german occupying forces liaison officers . bulgarian officers brought service locally born macedonians had immigrated bulgaria families during 1920s , 1930s part of greek-bulgarian treaty of neuilly saw 90,000 bulgarians migrating bulgaria greece.

with of bulgarian officers several pro-bulgarian , anti-greek armed detachments (ohrana) organized in kastoria, florina , edessa districts of occupied greek macedonia in 1943. these led bulgarian officers greek macedonia; andon kalchev , georgi dimchev. ohrana (meaning defense) autonomist pro-bulgarian organization fighting unification greater bulgaria. uhrana supported imro leader ivan mihaylov too. apparent mihailov had broader plans envisaged creation of macedonian state under german control. anticipated imro volunteers form core of armed forces of future independent macedonia in addition providing administration , education in florina, kastoria , edessa districts. in summer of 1944, ohrana constituted 12,000 fighters , volunteers bulgaria charged protection of local population. during 1944, whole slavophone villages armed occupation authorities , developed formidable enemy of greek people s liberation army (elas). ohrana dissolved in late 1944 after german , bulgarian withdrawal greece , josip broz tito s partisans movement hardly concealed intention of expanding. after world war ii, many former ohranists convictеd of military crimes collaborationists. period, after bulgaria s conversion communism, slav-speakers in greece had referred bulgarians increasingly began identify macedonians .

races of eastern europe alexander gross, published geographia ltd. in daily telegraph, 1918.

following defeat of axis powers , evacuation of nazi occupation forces many members of ohrana joined snof still pursue goal of secession. advance of red army bulgaria in september 1944, withdrawal of german armed forces greece in october, meant bulgarian army had withdraw greek macedonia , thrace. large proportion of bulgarians , slavic speakers emigrated there. in 1944 declarations of bulgarian nationality estimated greek authorities, on basis of monthly returns, have reached 16,000 in districts of german-occupied greek macedonia, according british sources, declarations of bulgarian nationality throughout western macedonia reached 23,000.

by 1945 world war ii had ended , greece in open civil war. has been estimated after end of world war ii on 40,000 people fled greece yugoslavia , bulgaria. extent collaboration of peasants germans, italians, bulgarians or greek people s liberation army (elas) determined geopolitical position of each village. depending upon whether village vulnerable attack greek communist guerrillas or occupation forces, peasants opt support side in relation vulnerable. in both cases, attempt promise freedom (autonomy or independence) formerly persecuted slavic minority means of gaining support.

the national liberation front (nof) organized political , military groups of slavic minority in greece, active 1945 1949. interbellum time when part of them came conclusion macedonians. greek hostility slavic minority produced tensions rose separatism. after recognition in 1934 comintern of macedonian ethnicity, greek communists have recognized macedonian national identity. after first free territories created decided ethnic macedonian schools open in area controlled dse. books written in ethnic macedonian language published, while ethnic macedonians theatres , cultural organizations operated. within nof, female organization, women s antifascist front (afzh), , youth organization, national liberation front of youth (onom), formed.

the creation of ethnic macedonian cultural institutions in democratic army of greece (dse)-held territory, newspapers , books published nof, public speeches , schools opened, helped consolidation of ethnic macedonian conscience , identity among population. according information announced paskal mitrovski on plenum of nof on august 1948 - 85% of slavic-speaking population in greek macedonia has ethnic macedonian self-identity. language thought in schools official language of socialist republic of macedonia. 20,000 young ethnic macedonians learned read , write using language, , learned own history.

from 1946 until end of civil war in 1949, nof loyal greece , fighting minimal human rights within borders of greek republic. in order mobilize more ethnic macedonians dse declared on 31 january 1949 @ 5th meeting of kke central committee when dse took power in greece there independent macedonian state, united in geographical borders. new line of kke affected mobilisation rate of ethnic macedonians (which earlier considerably high), did not manage, ultimately, change course of war.

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1918, national geographic

the government forces destroyed every village on way, , expelled civilian population. leaving result of force or on own accord (in order escape repression , retaliation), 50,000 people left greece retreating dse forces. of them sent eastern bloc countries. not until 1970s of them allowed come socialist republic of macedonia. in 1980s, greek parliament adopted law of national reconciliation allowed dse members of greek origin repatriate greece, given land. ethnic macedonian dse remembers remained excluded terms of legislation.

on august 20, 2003, rainbow party hosted reception child refugees , ethnic macedonian children fled homes during greek civil war permitted enter greece maximum of 20 days. elderly, first time many of them saw birthplaces , families in 55 years. reception included relatives of refugees living in greece , members of rainbow party. however, many refused entry greek border authorities because passports listed former names of places of birth.

the present number of slavophones in greece has been subject speculation varying numbers. greece not hold census based on self-determination , mother tongue, no official data available. should noted, however, official macedonian slav party in greece receives @ average 1000 votes. more information region , population see greek macedonia.


after balkan wars (1912–1913) slavs in macedonia regarded southern serbs , language spoke southern serbian dialect. despite attempts of forceful assimilation, serb colonists in vardar macedonia numbered 100,000 1942, there not colonization , expulsion in greek macedonia. ethnic cleansing unlikely in serbia, bulgarians given sign declaration being serbs since ancient times, refused sign faced assimilation through terror, while muslims faced similar discrimination. however, in 1913 bulgarian revolts broke out in tikvesh, negotino, kavadarci, vartash, ohrid, debar , struga, , more 260 villages burnt down. serbian officials documented have buried alive 3 bulgarian civilians pehčevo then. bulgarians forced sign petition declare serb or die. 90,000 serbian troops deployed in macedonia keep down resistance serbianization, serbian colonists unsuccessfully encouraged immigrate slogan of serbs , albanians , turks emigrate. in next centuries, sense of distinct macedonian nation emerged partly result of resistance of imro, despite split 1 macedonist , 1 pro-bulgarian wing. in 1918 use of bulgarian , macedonian language prohibited in serbian macedonia.

the bulgarian, greek , romanian schools closed, bulgarian priests , non-serbian teachers expelled. bulgarian surname endings -ov/-ev replaced typically serbian ending -ich , population considered bulgarian heavily persecuted. policy of serbianization in 1920s , 1930s clashed popular pro-bulgarian sentiment stirred imro detachments infiltrating bulgaria, whereas local communists favoured path of self-determination suggested yugoslav communist party in 1924 may manifesto.

in 1925, d.j. footman, british vice consul @ skopje, addressed lengthy report foreign office. wrote majority of inhabitants of southern serbia orthodox christian macedonians, ethnologically more akin bulgarians serbs. acknowledged macedonians better disposed toward bulgaria because, bulgarian education system in macedonia in time of turks, widespread , effective; , because macedonians @ time perceived bulgarian culture , prestige higher of neighbors. moreover, large numbers of macedonians educated in bulgarian schools had sought refuge in bulgaria before , after partitions of 1913. there therefore large macedonian element in bulgaria, continued represented in government departments , occupying high positions in army , in civil service.... characterized element serbophobe, [it] desires incorporation of macedonia in bulgaria, , supports imro. however, pointed existence of tendency seek independent macedonia salonica capital. movement had adherents among macedonian colony in bulgaria.

bulgarian troops welcomed liberators in 1941 mistakes of bulgarian administration made growing number of people resent presence 1944. must noted bulgarian army during annexation of region, partially recruited local population, formed as 40%-60% of soldiers in battalions. recent data has announced national liberation war of macedonia has resembled ethno-political motivated civil war. after war region received status of constituent republic within yugoslavia , in 1945 separate, macedonian language codified. population declared macedonian, nationality different both serbs , bulgarians. decision politically motivated , aimed @ weakening position of serbia within yugoslavia , of bulgaria regard yugoslavia. surnames again changed include ending -ski , emphasise unique nature of ethnic macedonian population.

german ethnic map of central europe 1932.

from start of new socialist federal republic of yugoslavia (sfry), accusations surfaced new authorities in macedonia involved in retribution against people did not support formation of new yugoslav macedonian republic. numbers of dead counter-revolutionaries due organized killings, unclear. besides, many people went throughout labor camp of goli otok in middle 1940s. chapter of partisan s history taboo subject conversation in sfry until late 1980s, , result, decades of official silence created reaction in form of numerous data manipulations nationalist communist propaganda purposes.

at times of croatian ruling-class of yugoslavia, vardar banovina province turned autonomous macedonia majority of population declaring on census ethnic macedonians, , macedonian language official, recognized distinct serbo-croatian. capital placed in torlakian-speaking region. persecution of bulgarian identity state continued, along propaganda.

after creation of macedonian republic presidium of asnom highest political organ in macedonia made several statements , actions de facto boycotting decisions of avnoj. instead of obeying order of tito s general headquarters send main forces of nov of macedonia participate in fighting in srem area final liberation of yugoslavia, cadre close president metodija andonov - cento gave serious thoughts whether better order preparation advance of 100.000 armed men under command toward northern greece in order unify macedonian people 1 country. officers loyal chento s ideas made mutiny in garrison stationed on skopje s fortress, mutiny suppressed armed intervention. dozen officers shot on place, others sentenced life imprisonment. chento , close associates trying minimize ties yugoslavia far possible , mentioning unification of macedonian people 1 state, against decisions of avnoj. chento talking possibility create independent macedonia backed us. yugoslav secret police made decisive action , managed arrest metodija andonov - chento , closest men , prevent policies. chento s place taken lazar kolishevski, started implementing pro-yugoslav line.

later authorities organised frequent purges , trials of macedonian people charged autonomist deviation. many of former imro (united) government officials, purged positions isolated, arrested, imprisoned or executed on various (in many cases fabricated) charges including: pro-bulgarian leanings, demands greater or complete independence of yugoslav macedonia, forming of conspirative political groups or organisations, demands greater democracy, etc. people panko brashnarov, pavel shatev, dimitar vlahov , venko markovski ousted new government, , of them assassinated. on other hand, former imro-members, followers of ivan mihailov, persecuted belgrade-controlled authorities on accusations of collaboration bulgarian occupation. metodi shatorov s supporters in vardar macedonia, called sharlisti, systematically exterminated yugoslav communist party (ycp) in autumn of 1944, , repressed anti-yugoslav , pro-bulgarian political positions.

the encouragement , evolution of macedonian culture has had far greater , more permanent impact on macedonian nationalism has other aspect of yugoslav policy. while development of national music, films , graphic arts has been encouraged in macedonia, greatest cultural effect has come codification of macedonian language , literature, new macedonian national interpretation of history , establishment of macedonian orthodox church in 1967 central committee of communist party of macedonia .


annex 1878 treaty of san stephano, showing boundaries of bulgaria.

the bulgarian population in pirin macedonia remained bulgarian after 1913. macedonian question, became prominent after balkan wars in 1912–1913, followed withdraw of ottoman empire , subsequent division of region of macedonia between greece, bulgaria , serbia. slav - speakers in macedonia tended christian peasants, majority of them under influence of exarchate , education system, considered bulgarians. moreover, bulgarians in bulgaria believed of population of macedonia bulgarian. before balkan wars regional macedonian dialects treated bulgarian , exarchate school system taught locals in bulgarian. following balkan wars bulgarian exarchate activity in of region discontinued. after world war i, territory of present-day republic of macedonia came under direct rule of kingdom of yugoslavia , termed southern serbia . portion of today s serbia, belonged officially newly formed vardar banovina. intense program of serbianization implemented during 1920s , 1930s when belgrade enforced serbian cultural assimilation process on region. between 2 world wars in vardar banovina, regional macedonian dialects declared serbian , serbian language introduced in schools , administration official language. there implemented governmental policy of assassinations , assimilation. serbian administration in vardar banovina felt insecure , provoked brutal reprisals on local peasant population. greece, other balkan states, adopted restrictive policies towards minorities, namely towards slavic population in northern regions, due experiences bulgaria s wars, including second balkan war, , bulgarian inclination of sections of slavic minority.

bulgarian campaigns during world war i.

imro state within state in region in 1920s using launch attacks in serbian , greek part of macedonia. time imro had become right-wing bulgarian ultranationalist organization. according imro statistics during 1920s in region of yugoslav (vardar) macedonia operated 53 chetas (armed bands), 36 of penetrated bulgaria, 12 local , 5 entered albania. in region of greek (aegean) macedonia 24 chetas , 10 local reconnaissance detachments active. thousands local of slavophone macedonians repressed yugoslav , greek authorities on suspicions of contacts revolutionary movement. population in pirin macedonia organized in mass people s home guard. militia force, resisted greek army when general pangalos launched military campaign against petrich district in 1925, speculatively called war of stray dog. imro s constant fratricidal killings , assassinations abroad provoked within bulgarian military after coup of 19 may 1934 take control , break power of organization. meanwhile, left-wing later did form new organisation based on principles of independence , unification of partitioned macedonia. new organisation opponent ivan mihailov s imro called imro (united). founded in 1925 in vienna. however, did not have real popular support , remained active until 1936 , funded , closely linked comintern , balkan communist federation. in 1934 comintern adopted resolution recognition of macedonian nation , confirmed project of balkan communist federation creation of balkan federative republic, including macedonia.

the outbreak of world war ii on 1 september 1939, inspired whole macedonian community, foremost refugees occupied parts, seek ways liberation of macedonia. in 1941 british vice-consul @ skopje provided foreign office more extensive , perceptive analysis of current state of macedonian question. claimed vast majority of macedonians belonged national movement; indeed, estimated 90 percent of slav macedonians autonomists in 1 sense or another.... because movement wrapped in secrecy, however, extremely difficult gauge relative strength of various currents, except assumed imro had lost ground since banned in bulgaria , leaders exiled.

between 6 april 1941 , 17 april 1941, axis forces invaded kingdom of yugoslavia. axis victory swift, yugoslavia had surrendered within 11 days. macedonian newspaper makedonska tribuna , organ of macedonian patriotic organisation, published macedonian immigrants in u.s. , canada, vaunted german victory in invasion , fall of kingdom yugoslavia. @ beginning of invasion of yugoslavia meeting held on april 8, 1941, in skopje, in participated followers of idea liberation through independence or autonomy of macedonia. there activists of imro, yugoslav communists - former imro (united) members, followers of idea creation of pro-bulgarian macedonian state under |german , italian protection. meeting decide of action towards independence of macedonia, situation changed dynamically. local population in macedonia met joy defeat of kingdom of yugoslavia. saw end of serbian rule , not surprising soldiers vardar macedonia, mobilized in yugoslav army in large numbers refuse fight. serbian administration in places had run away afraid not of germans or bulgarians of revenge of local population.

although bulgarian government had officially joined axis powers, maintained course of military passivity during initial stages of invasion of yugoslavia , battle of greece. german, italian, , hungarian troops crushed opposing forces of yugoslavia , greece on 6 april 1941, yugoslavian airplanes bombed bulgarian town of kyustendil, 67 people killed , 90 wounded , suburb of sofia 8 people killed. yugoslav government surrendered on april 17. greek government hold out until april 30. on 18 april 1941 bulgarian government received telegram joachim von ribbentrop in specified regions taken units of bulgarian army. in greece, units occupy thrace, macedonia between strymon , nestos rivers. in yugoslavia, bulgarians occupy area river vardar , pomoravlje pirot-vranje-skopje line. ribbentrop s telegram said line temporary, i.e., moved west of river vardar well.

the movement of bulgarian army in yugoslavia started on april 19, , in greece on april 20. prominent force occupied of vardar macedonia, bulgarian 5th army. 6th , 7th infantry divisions active in invading vardar banovina between 19 , 24 april 1941. bulgarian troops present in western part of vardar macedonia, close italian occupational zone, because of border clashes italians, implemented albanian interests , terrorized local peasants. of vardar banovina, (including vardar macedonia), annexed bulgaria , along various other regions became greater bulgaria. western-most parts of vardar macedonia occupied fascist kingdom of italy. bulgarian army entered vardar macedonia on 19 april 1941, greeted local population liberators meant end of serbian rule. former imro , imro (united) members active in organizing bulgarian action committees charged taking on local authorities. bulgarian action committees propagated proclamation bulgarians in macedonia on occasion of invasion of bulgarian army in vardar banovina. regards serbian colonists, members of campaign committees adamant - had deported possible , properties returned locals. arrival of bulgarian army mass expulsion of serbs area of vardar macedonia took place. first, city dwellers deported in 1941, of suspected pro-serbs. metodi shatarov-Šarlo, local leader of yugoslav communist party, refused define bulgarian forces occupiers (contrary instructions belgrade) , called incorporation of local macedonian communist organizations within bulgarian communist party (bcp). macedonian regional committee refused remain in contact communist party of yugoslavia (cpy) , linked bcp invasion of yugoslavia started. cpy formally decided launch armed uprising on 4 july 1941 Šarlo refused distribute proclamation of calling military actions against bulgarians. more 12,000 yugoslav macedonian prisoners of war (pows) had been conscripted yugoslav army released german, italian , hungarian armies. slav-speakers in occupied bulgarian army part of greek macedonia greeted liberation.

before german invasion in soviet union, there had not been resistance in vardar banovina. @ start of world war ii, comintern supported policy of non-intervention, arguing war imperialist war between various national ruling classes, when soviet union invaded on 22 june 1941, comintern changed position. german attack on soviet union sparked rage of communists in bulgaria. same day bcp spread brochure among people urging hinder means usage of bulgarian land , soldiers criminal purposes of german fascism . 2 days later, on 24 june, bcp called armed resistance against wehrmacht , bogdan filov government. after that, , when months ago yugoslavia annexed axis powers, macedonian communist partisans, included macedonians, aromanians, serbs, albanians, jews , bulgarians had begun organizing resistance. first skopje partisan detachment founded , had been attacked axis soldiers on 8 september 1941 in bogomila, near skopje. revolt on 11 october 1941 prilep partisan detachment considered symbolic beginning of resistance. armed insurgents prilep partisan detachment attacked axis occupied zones in city of prilep, notably police station, killing 1 bulgarian policeman of local origin, led attacks in kruševo , creation of small rebel detachments in other regions of macedonia. partisan detachments formed in greek macedonia , today s bulgarian macedonia under leadership of communist party of greece , bulgarian communist party.

in april 1942 map titled danube area published in germany, so-called new annexed territories of bulgaria in vardar , greek macedonia , western thrace described territories under temporary bulgarian administration . failure sofia s official propaganda, claimed have completed national unification of bulgarians , showed internal contradiction among italy, bulgaria , germany. ongoing war, new anti-fascist partisan units formed , in 1942 total of 9 small partisan detachments active in vardar macedonia , had maintained control of mountainous territories around prilep, skopje, kruševo , veles. clash between yugoslav , bulgarian communists possession on macedonia not ended. while bulgarian communists avoided organizing mass armed uprising against bulgarian authorities, yugoslav communists insisted no liberation achieved without armed revolt. of comintern , of joseph stalin himself decision taken , macedonian communists attached cpy. because of unwillingness of local communists earnest struggle against bulgarian army, supreme staff of cpy took measurements strengthening of campaign.

otherwise policy of minimal resistance changed towards 1943 arrival of montenegrin svetozar vukmanović-tempo, began organize energetic struggle against bulgarian occupants. tempo served on supreme staff of cpy , became josip broz tito s personal representative in vardar banovina.

bulgaria during world war ii.

meanwhile, bulgarian government responsible round-up , deportation of on 7,000 jews in skopje , bitola. refused deport jews bulgarian proper later under german pressure jews new annexed territories, without bulgarian citizenship deported, these vardar macedonia , western thrace. bulgarian authorities created special gendarmerie forces received unlimited power pursue communist partisans on whole territory of kingdom. gendarmes became notorious carrying out atrocities against captured partisans , supporters. harsh rule occupying forces , number of allied victories indicated axis might lose war , encouraged more macedonians support communist partisan resistance movement of josip broz tito.

many former imro members assisted bulgarian authorities in fighting tempo s partisans. of bulgarian government , former imro members, several pro-bulgarian , anti-greek detachments - uhrana organized in occupied greek macedonia in 1943. these led bulgarian officers greek macedonia , served protection of local population in zone under german , italian control. after capitulation of fascist italy in september 1943, italian zone in macedonia taken on germans. uhrana supported ivan mihailov. apparent mihailov had broader plans envisaged creation of macedonian state under german control. follower of idea united macedonian state prevailing bulgarian element. anticipated imro volunteers form core of armed forces of future independent macedonia in addition providing administration , education in florina, kastoria , edessa districts.

then in resistance movement in vardar macedonia visible 2 political tendencies. first 1 represented tempo , newly established macedonian communist party, gave priority battling against form of manifest or latent pro-bulgarian sentiment , bringing region new projected communist yugoslav federation. veterans of pro - bulgarian imro , imro (united) had accepted solution of macedonian question ethnic preference, regarded main objective being unification of macedonia single state, postwar future involve not inclusion in yugoslav federation. foresaw in new form of serbian dominance on macedonia, , prefer rather membership of balkan federation or else independence. these 2 tendencies have struck in next few years. in spring of 1944 macedonian national liberation army launched operation called spring offensive engaging german , bulgarian armies, had on 60,000 military , administrative personnel in area. in strumica, approximately 3,800 fighters took part in formation of military movements of region; 4th, 14th , 20th macedonian action brigades, strumica partisan detachment , 50th , 51st macedonian divisions formed.[7] since formation of army in 1943, macedonian communist partisans aspiring create autonomous government.

on 2 august 1944, on 41st anniversary of ilinden-preobrazhenie uprising, first session of newly created anti-fascist assembly of national liberation of macedonia (asnom) held @ st. prohor pčinjski monastery. А manifesto written outlining future plans of asnom independent macedonian state , creation of macedonian language official language of macedonian state. however, decision later reached vardar macedonia become part of new communist yugoslavia. in summer of 1944, ohrana constituted 12,000 fighters , volunteers bulgaria. whole slavophone villages armed , developed formidable enemy of greek people s liberation army (elas). @ time ivan mihailov arrived in german occupied skopje, germans hoped form independent state of macedonia support on base of imro , ohrana. seeing war lost germany , avoid further bloodshed, refused.

at time new bulgarian government of ivan bagryanov began secret negotiations allies aiming find separate peace repudiating alliance nazi germany , declaring neutrality, ending anti-jewish laws , ordering withdrawal of bulgarian troops macedonia. through in macedonia-born minister of internal affairs alexander stanishev, government tried negotiate macedonian partisans promising after bulgarian army withdrawal vardar macedonia arms given partisans. possible condition partisans guaranteed establishment of pro-bulgarian macedonian state without frame of future yugoslavia. negotiations failed , on 9 september 1944 fatherland front in sofia made coup d état , deposed government. after declaration of war bulgaria on nazi germany, withdrawing bulgarian troops in macedonia surrounded german forces, fought way old borders of bulgaria. under leadership of new bulgarian pro-communist government, 3 bulgarian armies, 455,000 strong in total, entered occupied yugoslavia in late september 1944 , moved sofia niš , skopje strategic task of blocking german forces withdrawing greece. operated here in interaction local partisans. southern , eastern serbia , of vardar macedonia liberated within end of november. toward end of november , during december, main bulgarian forces assembled in liberated serbia prior return home. 135,000-strong bulgarian first army continued hungary, aided yugoslav partisans.

however, bulgarian army during annexation of region partially recruited local population, formed as 40% of soldiers in battalions. official comments of deputies in macedonian parliament , of former premier, ljubčo georgievski after 1991 announced struggle civil, not liberation war . according official sources number of macedonian communist partisan s victims against bulgarian army during world war ii 539 men. bulgarian historian , director of bulgarian national historical museum dr. bozhidar dimitrov, in 2003 book ten lies of macedonism, has questioned extent of resistance of local population of vardar macedonia against bulgarian forces , describes clash political.

after end of world war ii, creation of people s republic of macedonia , of new macedonian language, started process of ethnogenesis , distinct national macedonian identity formed. new yugoslav authorities began policy of removing of bulgarian influence, making macedonia connecting link establishment of new balkan federation , creating distinct slavic consciousness inspire identification yugoslavia. after world war ii ruling bulgarian communists declared population in bulgarian macedonia ethnic macedonian , teachers brought in yugoslavia teach locals in new macedonian language. organizations of imro in bulgaria destroyed. former imro members hunted communist militsiya , many of them imprisoned, repressed, exiled or killed. internments of disagreeing political activities people @ belene labor camp organized. tito , georgi dimitrov worked project merge 2 balkan countries bulgaria , yugoslavia balkan federative republic according projects of balkan communist federation. led 1947 cooperation , signing of bled agreement. foresaw unification between vardar macedonia , pirin macedonia , return of western outlands bulgaria. supported greek communists , slavic-macedonian national liberation front in greek civil war idea of unification of greek macedonia , western thrace new state under communist rule. according project bourgeoisie of ruling nations in 3 imperialist states among macedonia partitioned, tried camouflage national oppression, denying national features of macedonian people , existence of macedonian nation. policies resulting agreement reversed after tito-stalin split in june 1948, when bulgaria, being subordinated interests of soviet union took stance against yugoslavia. policy projection , recognition of regional countries , nations since 1930s example macedonia, had been norm in comintern policies, displaying soviet resentment of nation-state in eastern europe , of consequences of paris peace conference. 1943 dissolution of comintern , subsequent advent of cominform in 1948 came joseph stalin s dismissal of previous ideology, , adaptation conditions created soviet hegemony during cold war. dimitrov s sudden death in july 1949 followed titoists witchhunt in bulgaria.

after greek communists lost greek civil war, many slav speakers expelled greece. although people s republic of bulgaria accepted few refugees, government policy changed , bulgarian government actively sought out refugees greek macedonia. estimated approximately 2,500 children sent bulgaria , 3,000 partisans fled there in closing period of war. there larger flow bulgaria of refugees bulgarian army pulled out of drama-serres region in 1944. large proportion of slavic speakers emigrated there. slavic committee in sofia (bulgarian: Славянски Комитет) helped attract refugees had settled in other parts of eastern bloc. according political report in 1962 number of political emigrants greece numbered @ 6,529. policy of communist bulgaria towards refugees greece was, @ least initially, not discriminative regard ethnic origin: greek- , slav-speakers both categorized greek political emigrants , received equal treatment state authorities. however, end of 1950s marked adecisive turn in macedonistic policy of bulgaria, did not recognize anymore existence of macedonian ethnicity different bulgarian 1 . result, trend discriminative policy, refugees greece – more targeted @ slav-speakers , less ethnic greeks – given proselytizing aspect. many of these migrants assimilated bulgarian society.

at end of 1950s communist party repealed previous decision , adopted position denying existence of macedonian nation. inconsistent bulgarian policy has thrown independent observers ever since state of confusion real origin of population in bulgarian macedonia. in 1960, bulgarian communist party voted special resolution explained fact of macedonians have clear bulgarian national consciousness , consider bulgaria homeland. result international relations upon sofia - belgrade line deteriorated, , in fact broken. led final victory of anti-bulgarian , pro-yugoslav oriented macedonian political circles , signified definite decline of notion of south slavonic federation. in macedonia bulgarophobia increased level of state ideology.

bulgaria kept right declare ethnicity @ census, bulgarian identity minimized in censuses of yugoslavia , blagoevgrad province of bulgaria. between 1945-65 forcefully macedonians blagoecgra dprovince 1946 , 1956 census population forced list ethnic macedonians against communist government in accordance agreement yugoslavia

pirin macedonia within bulgaria

after fall of communism , brief upsurge of macedonian nationalism @ beginning of 1990s, resulting in clashes between nationalist internal macedonian revolutionary organization (imro) , ethnic macedonian separatist organization umo ilinden-pirin, commotion has largely subsided in recent time , ethnic macedonian idea has become marginalized. total of 3,100 people in blagoevgrad district declared macedonian in 2001 census (0.9% of population of region).

in bulgaria today, macedonian question has been understood largely result of violation of national integrity, beginning revision of treaty of san stefano 1878. bulgaria denies existence of separate macedonian identity. bulgarian denouncement based on strong sense of loss of territory, history , language shared macedonia in past. after collapse of socialist federative republic of yugoslavia , consequent independence of macedonian state in 1991, bulgaria continued question of legitimacy of macedonian nationhood, yet @ same time recognised republic of macedonia. bulgarian government of 1991 promoted political compromise constructive way of living national question, rather suppressing them. yet none of fundamental tensions on macedonian question have been resolved, , issue remains important undercurrent in sofia politics.


the slavic minority in albania concentrated in 2 regions, mala prespa , golloborda. in 1930s orthodox slavs living in albania regarded bulgarians local albanian population. new albanian state did not attempt assimilate minority or forcibly change names of local towns , villages. during second balkan conference in 1932 bulgarian , albanian delegations signed protocol recognition of ethnic bulgarian minority in albania. after world war ii, creation of people s republic of macedonia , policy of new communist states founding of balkan federative republic changed situation , ethnic macedonian minority officially recognized. schools , radio stations in macedonian founded in area. albania has recognised around 5,000 strong macedonian slav minority. in albania both bulgarian , ethnic macedonian organizations. each of them claims local slavic population bulgarian/macedonian. population itself, predominantly muslim, has, however, preferred call albanian in official censuses.

republic of macedonia

republic of macedonia.

the republic of macedonia officially celebrates 1991 regard referendum endorsing independence yugoslavia, albeit legalizing participation in future union of former states of yugoslavia . macedonian slavs of republic of macedonia have demonstrated without exception strong , aggressive @ times macedonian consciousness. ties bulgarians have been denounced. during period has been claimed macedonian scholars there exist large , oppressed ethnic macedonian minorities in region of macedonia, located in neighboring states. because of claims, irredentist proposals being made calling expansion of borders of republic of macedonia encompass territories allegedly populated ethnic macedonians. population of neighboring regions presented subdued propaganda of governments of neighbouring countries, , in need incorporation united macedonia. supporters of these ideas, called macedonists ignore censuses conducted in albania, bulgaria , greece, show minimal presence of ethnic macedonians. consider censuses flawed, without presenting evidence in support, , accusing governments of neighboring countries of continued propaganda. time republic of macedonia proclaimed independence continued bulgaria few. 3,000 - 4,000 people stuck bulgarian identity met great hostility among authorities , rest of population. occasional trials against bulgarophiles have continued until today. constitutional court of republic of macedonia banned organization of bulgarians in republic of macedonia-radko promoting racial , religious hate , intolerance . in 2009 european court of human rights in strasbourg, condemned republic of macedonia because of violations of european convention of human rights in case. nevertheless, during last few years, rising economic prosperity , eu membership of bulgaria has seen around 60,000 macedonians applying bulgarian citizenship; in order obtain must sign statement declaring bulgarians origin. prominent macedonian applied , granted bulgarian citizenship former prime minister ljubčo georgievski. estimated 500 macedonians receive bulgarian citizenship every week. aggregates 50,000 macedonian nationals have received bulgarian citizenship in past 20 years. bulgarian governments justify policy because regard macedonians ethnopolitically disoriented bulgarians.


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