Christian groups United States pro-life movement

the coordinated opposition abortion in united states during 1970s before roe v. wade decision united states conference of catholic bishops , family life bureau. mobilization of wide-scale anti-abortion movement began after in 1973 creation of national right life committee (nrlc).

before 1980, southern baptist convention officially advocated loosening of abortion restrictions. during 1971 , 1974 southern baptist conventions, southern baptists called upon work legislation allow possibility of abortion under such conditions rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, , ascertained evidence of likelihood of damage emotional, mental, , physical health of mother. w. barry garrett wrote in baptist press, religious liberty, human equality , justice advanced [roe v. wade] supreme court decision. . 1980, conservative protestant leaders became vocal in opposition legalized abortion, , 1990s pat robertson s christian coalition of america became significant anti-abortion organization. in 2005, richard land, president of southern baptist convention s ethics , religious liberty commission, said making abortion illegal more important other issue.

much of anti-abortion movement in united states , around world finds support in roman catholic church, christian right, lutheran church–missouri synod , wisconsin evangelical lutheran synod, church of england, anglican church in north america, eastern orthodox church, , church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (lds). however, anti-abortion teachings of these denominations vary considerably. eastern orthodox church , roman catholic church consider abortion immoral in cases, may in cases permit act indirectly , without intent results in death of fetus in case mother s life threatened. in pope john paul ii s letter families stated roman catholic church s view on abortion , euthanasia: laws legitimize direct killing of innocent human beings through abortion or euthanasia in complete opposition inviolable right life proper every individual; deny equality of before law.

the national association of evangelicals , lds church oppose abortion on demand. however, nae considers abortion permissible in cases clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, dire threat life/physical health of pregnant woman, or when pregnancy results rape or incest. taskforce of united methodists on abortion , sexuality (tumas) formed in 1987 further anti-abortion ministry in united methodist church. southern baptist convention believes abortion allowable in cases there direct threat life of woman. other mainline protestant denominations in united states, such episcopal church, evangelical lutheran church in america, presbyterian church (u.s.a.), , united church of christ, pro-choice.


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