First ocean-going steamships Steamship

great britain in cumberland basin, april 1844. historic photograph william talbot believed first ever taken of ship.

brunel given chance inspect john laird s 213-foot (65 m) (english) channel packet ship rainbow—the largest iron-hulled ship in service— in 1838, , converted iron-hulled technology. scrapped plans build wooden ship , persuaded company directors build iron-hulled ship. iron s advantages included being cheaper wood, not being subject dry rot or woodworm, , greater structural strength. practical limit on length of wooden-hulled ship 300 feet, after hogging—the flexing of hull waves pass beneath it—become great. iron hulls far less subject hogging, potential size of iron-hulled ship greater.

in spring of 1840 brunel had opportunity inspect ss archimedes, first screw-propelled steamship, completed few months before f. p. smith s propeller steamship company. brunel had been looking methods of improving performance of great britain s paddlewheels, , took immediate interest in new technology, , smith, sensing prestigious new customer own company, agreed lend archimedes brunel extended tests. on several months, smith , brunel tested number of different propellers on archimedes in order find efficient design, four-bladed model submitted smith. when launched in 1843, great britain far largest vessel afloat.

brunel s last major project, ss great eastern, built in 1854–57 intent of linking great britain india, via cape of hope, without coaling stops. ship arguably more revolutionary predecessors. 1 of first ships built double hull watertight compartments , first liner have 4 funnels. biggest liner throughout rest of 19th century gross tonnage of 20,000 tons , had passenger-carrying capacity of thousands. ship ahead of time , went through turbulent history, never being put intended use. first transatlantic steamer built of steel ss buenos ayrean, built allan line royal mail steamers , entering service in 1879.

the first regular steamship service east coast west coast of united states began on february 28, 1849, arrival of ss california in san francisco bay. california left new york harbor on october 6, 1848, rounded cape horn @ tip of south america, , arrived @ san francisco, california, after four-month , 21-day journey. first steamship operate on pacific ocean paddle steamer beaver, launched in 1836 service hudson s bay company trading posts between puget sound washington , alaska.


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