Modified field or player numbers Variations of Australian rules football

1 modified field or player numbers

1.1 9-a-side
1.2 samoa rules
1.3 metro footy
1.4 aflx

modified field or player numbers

9-a-side footy played informally aussie rules clubs not yet official sport in own right.

9-a-side games played on half size fields typically rectangular 9 players on field @ 1 time, typically consisting of 3 forwards, 3 backs , 3 centre players. 2 games played @ same time on single australian rules or cricket field. @ other times, 9-a-side makes use of full space of field when full complement of players not available. variety more open , running variety of australian rules.

a minimum of 18 players required in total, many teams field unlimited interchange benches.

rules same australian rules football. limited , non-contact versions of 9-a-side football played both men s , women s leagues.

examples of official tournaments held under these rules include eu cup , bali nines.

samoa rules

samoa rules game derived australian rules football has been played in samoa. game played on rugby fields , each team consists of 15 players per side.

unlike australian rules football, player movement restricted zones (similarly rec footy). there line across centre backs , forwards can not cross. onballers allowed go anywhere.

the vailima six-shooters championship began in samoa in 1998 under these rules, becoming known samoa rules . number of samoa rules players went on represent samoa in samoan national australian rules football team, known bulldogs .

metro footy

metro footy (or metro rules footy) - modified version of australian rules football played on gridiron football, rugby or soccer fields, predominantly in united states. reasons development of metro footy partly due there being few grounds large enough traditional australian rules matches, allow competitive football played small playing numbers, allowing better recruitment possibilities.

teams typically consist of 9-a-side on 110 x 50 meter field. teams play feed larger 18-a-side australian rules representative teams participate in leagues such maafl or tournaments such usafl national championships , provide opportunity introduce new american players game of aussie rules.

several clubs united states australian football league participate in metro footy.


another prominent variation of game aflx, official australian football league sanctioned pre-season event. game played on soccer-sized pitches , features 7 players side, several other rules designed speed game.


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