Biography Carl-Erik Quensel

1 biography

1.1 life
1.2 scientific career
1.3 major scientific work

early life

carl-erik quensel born in malmö, sweden on 9 october 1907, son of conrad , ester quensel. .

scientific career

in 1935 qunsel earned licentiate degree department of statistics @ lund university, followed phd degree in 1938. in 1941, appointed professor of statistics @ lund university . quensel elected member of international statistical institute. served swedish delegate united nations population committee.

major scientific work

a method of determining regression curve when marginal distribution of normal logarithmic type, annals of mathematical statistics, 7:196-201, 1936.

second moment , of correlation coefficient in samples populations of type a, statistical institute @ university of lund. lund, c. w. k. gleerup/leipzig, otto harrassowitz, 1938.

lärobok den teoretiska statistikens grunder, lund 1944.

befolkningsframskrivningar för hälsingborgs stad 1945 – 1975, lund, 1949.

studenternas utbildningsval, tillsammans med bo israelsson, lund, 1958.


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