History Archipelago Sea
1 history
1.1 prehistory
1.2 swedish rule
1.3 grand duchy of finland
1.4 independent finland
the church of jomala dates 13th century, , oldest parish church in finland.
the islands began rising water 10,000 years ago. @ stage danish straits closed , current baltic sea fresh-water lake ancylus. water around islands turned fresh brackish around 7600 years ago saline water north sea penetrated further baltic opened straits. oldest archaeological finds in dragsfjärd date ca. 4000 bc , represent pit-comb ware culture. during period outer archipelago formed highest points of main islands of houtskari, korppoo , nauvo. due post-glacial rebound entire archipelago has risen approximately 25 metres (82 feet) since, enlarging existing islands , creating many more.
swedish rule
during 12th , 13th centuries sweden established control of archipelago sea. @ same time christianity started spread finland, starting archipelago , adjacent coastal area. islands occupy strategic position, guarding approaches stockholm, turku , entire gulf of bothnia. therefore, fortified swedish empire during middle ages. royal postal route used go via northern islands in 16th , 17th century.
in 1808 war of finland broke out between sweden , russia. in april russian troops occupied archipelago, including Åland. after local residents, enraged confiscation of ships, rebelled. aided troops sweden archipelago cleared russian troops in may. swedish troops used islands staging area recapture of continental finland. archipelago remained in swedish control until end of war, in subsequent treaty of fredrikshamn in 1809 sweden forced cede area along rest of finland. archipelago sea became part of autonomous grand duchy of finland under russian empire.
grand duchy of finland
during crimean war anglo-french force attacked , destroyed bomarsund castle. in Åland convention of 1856 Åland side of archipelago demilitarised. russians moved troops area in 1916, , next 5 years there either russian or finnish military presence in Åland.
independent finland
finland gained independence russia in 1917. shortly after, swedish speaking inhabitants of Åland islands, in western part of archipelago, appealed sweden annex islands. request received mixed support in sweden, led Åland crisis. league of nations called in resolve situation, , in 1921 league granted sovereignty of entire archipelago finland, despite objections of majority of Ålanders. however, Åland given wide autonomy, , demilitarised status reaffirmed.
in 1939 soviet union attacked finland in winter war. @ end of war in 1940 finland forced rent hanko @ eastern extreme of archipelago sea soviet union military base. in 1941 continuation war broke out. finland sent troops Åland guard against possible soviet invasion, didn t materialize. finnish army laid siege on hanko, evacuated soviet union later year. finnish troops remained in Åland until end of war in 1944.
in 1995 finland became member of european union. referendum on membership held separately in Åland, leading possibility of different outcomes. rejection of eu membership Ålanders have created situation similar of greenland, autonomous region of denmark not part of eu. however, membership accepted in both referendums.
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