History Armoury, Innsbruck
the armoury around 1507
maximilian had armoury built 1500 1505 on sill in front of gates of town. consists of 2 80 x 10 m, two-storey wings , 2 narrow gatehouses , blocks surround large inner courtyard. materiel war stored here and, around armoury, subsidiary buildings. cannon, many small arms stored here.
in 1503 brass foundry built in mühlau. crucial choice of location site of city of innsbruck transport hub , thriving copper mines of tyrol, had given rise flourishing arms industry in innsbruck.
in 1503 housed armory 150 guns
until end of monarchy in 1918 place still in use armoury barracks (zeughauskaserne). restored in 1964/1969 , opened in 1973 tyrolean state history museum (tiroler landeskundliches museum).
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