Corps colours Ranks and insignia of the Soviet Armed Forces 1943–1955

1 corps colours

1.1 enlisted men , non-commissioned officers
1.2 officer general of army
1.3 marshal generalissimus

corps colours

corps colours, agreed , created in 1935, remained in use, minor changes took place. padding of newly introduced shoulder straps made wool cloth, designed in branch of service colours piping. command staff wore silver or gold stars , characteristic metallic branch badges.

corps colours—enlisted men , non-commissioned officers

the shoulder board padding indicated appropriate corps colour of service branch, corps or special appointment, coloured border piping.

infantry (generic motorised rifles or motorised infantry) – padding raspberry, piping black
aviation troops , air force – sky blue
cavalry – deep blue black piping
artillery & armoured corps – black red piping
medical troops, veterinarian service – dark green red piping
technical troops – black black piping

corps colours—officers colonel

army generic infantry, motorised rifles , logistics – raspberry
artillery, armoured corps, medical troops , veterinarian service – red
aviation troops , air force – sky blue
cavalry – deep blue
technical troops – black

corps colours—officers above colonel

army generic infantry, motorised rifles , logistics – deep red ( general s red )
aviation troops , air force – sky blue
all other uses – raspberry

any other insignia

regiment numbers placed on other ranks shoulder straps along emblem of armed service, branch, special troop, or appointment. commanders of battle units or task forces emblem gold coloured, others silver.

enlisted men , non-commissioned officers

officer general of army

marshal generalissimus


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