Overseas operations KiHa 52

1 overseas operations

1.1 myanmar
1.2 philippines

1.2.1 formations

overseas operations

former jr east kiha 52 cars @ kawasaki awaiting shipping myanmar in december 2007


kiha 52 set kiha-o in july 2012

seven former jr east kiha 52 cars based @ niitsu depot donated in september 2011 philippine national railways (pnr), used on commuter services in manila area.

as of october 2013, trains operated 2 3-car formations. seventh car, kiha 52 123, in niigata livery, taken out of service after operating 7 months, , stored @ tutuban depot source of spare parts rest of fleet.


the 2 three-car sets referred kiha-o (for orange) , kiha-b (for blue), reflecting liveries carry, , formed shown below, cars 52-137 , 52-121 @ alabang end.

the former toilets in each car locked out of use.


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