Publications World Future Society

1 publications

1.1 magazines

1.1.1 futurist

1.2 journals


the world future society publishes numerous books, including futuring: exploration of future (oct. 2005), written society founder edward cornish, several print , electronic journals.

the futurist

the futurist established in 1967. full-color bimonthly magazine , online publication reports on technological, societal, , public policy trends. futurist nominated 2007 utne independent press award best science , technology coverage.

the futurist has published articles forecaster , smart money columnist jamais cascio, nasa chief research scientist dennis bushnell, financial times economist martin wolf, workplace expert john challenger , wall street journal gen x columnist alexandra levit. magazine published exclusive interviews former u.s. speaker of house newt gingrich, serving u.s. congressman dennis kucinich, harvard evolutionary biologist marc hauser, inventor (and world future 2010 featured speaker) ray kurzweil.

the futurist featured coverage on:

powering energy-hungry civilization uranium, sunlight, wind, gulf stream, garbage, ammonia, algae, other sources.
the potential impact of artificial intelligence , nanotechnology on invention , manufacturing,
changing weather combat climate change,
how create own artificial island nation,
the job market of 21st century,
the future of national security in age of cyber warfare, former white house advisor marvin cetron,
the influence of neuroscience on traditional ideas of morality.
powering world artificial photosynthesis.

executive editors of futurist

edward cornish (1967-2010); cynthia g. wagner (2011-2014); mark d. drapeau (2015)


the world future society published academic journal world future review. journal independent of society starting volume 8.


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