Western knowledge of Buddhism Buddhism and the Roman world

the birth of siddhartha gautama, gandhara, 2nd–3rd century ad.

some knowledge of buddhism existed quite in west. in 2nd century ad clement of alexandria wrote buddha:

εἰσὶ δὲ τῶν Ἰνδῶν οἱ τοῖς Βούττα πειθόμενοι παραγγέλμασιν. ὃν δι’ ὑπερβολὴν σεμνότητος ὡς θεὸν τετιμήκασι. [among indians philosophers follow precepts of boutta, whom honour god on account of extraordinary sanctity.]

he recognized bactrian buddhists (sramanas) , indian gymnosophists influence on greek thought:

philosophy, thing of highest utility, flourished in antiquity among barbarians, shedding light on nations. , afterwards came greece. first in ranks prophets of egyptians; , chaldeans among assyrians; , druids among gauls; , sramanas among bactrians ( Σαρμαναίοι Βάκτρων ); , philosophers of celts; , magi of persians, foretold saviour s birth, , came land of judaea guided star. indian gymnosophists in number, , other barbarian philosophers. , of these there 2 classes, of them called sramanas ( Σαρμάναι ), , others brahmins ( Βραχμάναι ).

the story of birth of buddha known: fragment of archelaos of carrha (278 ad) mentions buddha s virgin-birth, , saint jerome (4th century) mentions birth of buddha, says born side of virgin . queen maya came bear buddha after receiving prophetic dream in foresaw descent of bodhisattva (buddha-to-be) tuṣita heaven womb. story has parallels story of jesus being conceived in connection visitation of holy spirit virgin mary.


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