Appearances Garrus Vakarian

1 appearances

1.1 in video games

1.1.1 mass effect
1.1.2 mass effect 2
1.1.3 mass effect 3
1.1.4 mass effect andromeda

1.2 in other media

1.2.1 mass effect: homeworlds

in video games
mass effect

garrus first appeared in 2007 mass effect, squadmate. after first mission, player encounters case against saren being dropped c-sec officials, despite garrus s objections. garrus decides continue working on case anyway, , can found in med clinic after speaking harkin. if player goes med clinic, encounter dr. chloe michel being threatened thugs, garrus shoot after shepard distracts them. if player not go med clinic recruits wrex, garrus appear later , ask join normandy s crew; however, player may refuse him, , go through game without him. if player recruit him, garrus can found in normandy , talked after each main mission new information himself. if player continues doing this, garrus tell shepard of dr. saleon, salarian geneticist using employees test tubes grow spare organs in escaped garrus long ago; player may choose hunt down saleon , take him out.

mass effect 2

garrus returns in mass effect 2, regardless of whether recruited in first game. after player arrives @ omega , begins mission recruit archangel, discover under attack of mercenary groups on station , must rescue him. when reach him, archangel takes off helmet , reveals himself garrus. @ end of mission, garrus shot gunship s mass accelerator cannons , receives scars; garrus can found in normandy , talked information, brought out missions squad member. if player continues talk garrus, reveal has new information on sidonis – turian betrayed garrus s original team fighting mercs on omega, leading of deaths. player can choose garrus find sidonis , him kill him, or, after seeing sidonis immensely regretful actions , depressed, convince garrus spare life. alternatively, player can not mission. after mission completed , if player playing female shepard, may pursue romance character. during last mission of game, various members of squad can end killed, garrus included; garrus s likelihood of dying increases if sidonis mission not done.

mass effect 3

unless save imported 2 garrus died, appear again squadmate in mass effect 3. after events of 2, garrus revealed have contacted father , told him reaper threat; father proceeded lobby more defences made prepare them, resulted garrus being put in charge of reaper task force . after player begins mission on turian planet palaven s moon find primarch fedorian, encounter garrus advising turians on how defeat attacking reapers. garrus joins squad, , can on found in normandy talking other crew members , interacted with. second game, female shepard may pursue romance him, romance requires imported save garrus romanced in 2.

mass effect andromeda

once player unlocks alec ryder s encrypted memories, player can observe conversation between alec ryder , castis vakarian. castis mentions how son used c-sec officer , how council ignoring shepard s warnings , concerns him.

in other media
mass effect: homeworlds

garrus focus of mass effect: homeworlds third issue, comic series dedicated starring different mass effect 3 squadmate in each issue.


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