Well-known individuals University of Konstanz

1 well-known individuals

1.1 honorary citizens of university of konstanz
1.2 honorary senators of university of konstanz
1.3 rectors of university of konstanz
1.4 notable alumni

well-known individuals
honorary citizens of university of konstanz

gerhard hess, founding rector
kurt georg kiesinger, former german chancellor
horst sund, former retor
gerhart von graevenitz, former retor

honorary senators of university of konstanz

herbert beeck, businessman , ceo of lbs (badische landesbausparkasse)
dietrich h. boesken, german industry manager , managing partner of boesken gmbh
kurt büttner, former chair of byk gulden lomberg (pharmaceuticals company)
franz josef dazert, former chair of salamander company , co-founder of “förderkreis tel aviv” (student exchange university of konstanz)
theopont diez † former president of “freunde der universität konstanz” (friends of university of konstanz), renamed in 1996 “university of konstanz society” (universitätsgesellschaft konstanz - ugk)
horst eickmeyer, german administrative lawyer , politician
joachim fürst zu fürstenberg † german entrepreneur
hans-werner hector, german entrepreneur , co-founder of sap ag software company
otto p. w. hüni † hüni & co company
dieter jahn, former chair of university council
heribert knorr, politician
wilhelm krull, secretary general of volkswagenstiftung (volkswagen foundation)
kurt lion † swiss entrepreneur, established “lion foundation”
karl lion, son of kurt lion
robert maus, politician
dagmar schmieder, ceo of kliniken schmieder (neurological rehabilitation clinics)
nikolaus schweickart, manager in chemical industry
frank steinkühler, german financial , business consultant
manfred ulmer † textiles manufacturer
johannes weyl † german publisher
brigitte weyl, head of “universitätsverlag konstanz”

rectors of university of konstanz

1966–1972: gerhard hess (1907–1983)
1972–1974: theopont diez (1908–1993)
1974–1976: frieder naschold (1940–1999)
1976–1991: horst sund (* 1926)
1991–1996: bernd rüthers (* 1930)
1996–2000: rudolf cohen (* 1932)
2000–2009: gerhart von graevenitz (1944–2016)
since 2009: ulrich rüdiger (* 1966)

notable alumni

zoran Đinđić - first democratic prime minister of serbia
asha-rose migiro - former tanzanian foreign minister , 3rd deputy secretary-general of united nations
theodor sproll rector of baden-wuerttemberg cooperative state university loerrach
ralf t. voegele (born 1963), german biologist , dean of agricultural science faculty @ university of hohenheim
axel weber - former president of deutsche bundesbank , chairman, board of directors of ubs
angelika kratzer - highly influential linguist working in field of semantics , philosophy of language, author of 5 books , professor @ university of massachusetts, amherst

^ honorary senators of university of konstanz . website of university of konstanz, retrieved 2017-09-18. 
^ zoran djinjic (prime minister of serbia) . encyclopædia britannica. retrieved 2 march 2013. 
^ press release no. 8 of 11 january 2007 (in german). 11 january 2007. retrieved 24 february 2013. 
^ ubs - cv axel a. weber . 22 january 2013. retrieved 2 march 2013. 
^ accessdate=25 july 2015


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