Degree of self-governance List of European Union member states by political system

most of european union s member states unitary states, means of competences lie central government , minor or local issues within authority of regional governments. however, 3 states federations (austria, belgium , germany) of states or regions equal competences, , 6 other states have either devolved powers special regions or federacies (or both):


in denmark, faroe islands , greenland autonomous (and neither part of european union);
in finland, Åland has substantial autonomy;
in france, collectivité sui generis new caledonia (which not part of european union) has large degree of autonomy;
in netherlands, caribbean island groups of aruba, curaçao , sint maarten equal partners netherlands within kingdom of netherlands;
in united kingdom, channel islands – guernsey , jersey – , isle of man special case, being neither part of united kingdom nor of european union; these islands british crown dependencies;

devolved states:

in italy, government has devolved number of powers twenty regions, of 5 have large degree of autonomy;
in spain, central government has devolved various powers historic nationalities among autonomous communities, namely andalusia, basque country, catalonia , galicia;
in united kingdom, various competences have been devolved constituent countries of northern ireland, scotland , wales. greater london authority has extensive devolved powers.


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