Independent point of view Demographic history of Macedonia

austrian ethnographic map 1892

ethnological map of european turkey , dependencies @ time of beginning of war of 1877, karl sax, i. , r. austro-hungarian consul @ adrianople. published imperial , royal geographical society, vienna 1878.

ethnic composition map of balkans andrees allgemeiner handatlas, 1st edition, leipzig 1881.

ethnographic map of balkans according atlas général vidal-lablache, librairie armand colin, paris, 1898. according henry robert wilkinson, represents widespread view of time.

independent sources in europe between 1878 , 1918 tended view slavic population of macedonia in 2 ways: bulgarians , macedonian slavs. german scholar gustav weigand 1 of prominent representatives of first trend books ethnography of macedonia (1924, written 1919) , partially aromanians (1905). author described ethnic groups living in macedonia, showed empirically close connection between western bulgarian dialects , macedonian dialects , defined latter bulgarian. international commission constituted carnegie endowment international peace in 1913 inquire causes , conduct of balkan wars talked slavs of macedonia bulgarians in report published in 1914. commission had 8 members great britain, france, austria-hungary, germany, russia , united states.

ethnic groups in balkans , asia minor in 20th century (william r. shepherd, historical atlas, 1911).

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1918 (national geographic)

distribution of races in balkan peninsula , asia minor in 1922, racial map of europe hammond & co.

ethnographical map of central , southeastern europe - war office, 1916, london.

the term macedonian slavs used scholars , publicists in 3 general meanings:

as politically convenient term define slavs of macedonia without offending serbian , bulgarian nationalism;
as distinct group of slavs different both serbs , bulgarians, yet closer bulgarians , having predominantly bulgarian ethnical , political affinities;
as distinct group of slavs different both serbs , bulgarians having no developed national consciousness , no fast ethnical , political affinities (the definition of cvijic).

an instance of use of first meaning of term was, example, ethnographic map of slavic peoples published in (1890) russian scholar zarjanko, identified slavs of macedonia bulgarians. following official protest serbia map later reprinted identifying them under politically correct name macedonian slavs .

the term used in different sense british journalist henry brailsford in macedonia, races , future (1906). book contains brailford s impressions five-month stay in macedonia shortly after suppression of ilinden uprising , represents ethnographic report. brailford defines dialect of macedonia neither serbian, nor bulgarian, yet closer second one. opinion delivered slavic nation win macedonia if use needed tact , resources, yet claimed bulgarians have done that. brailsford uses synonymously terms macedonian slavs , bulgarians , slavic language , bulgarian language . chapter on macedonians slavs/the bulgarians titled bulgarian movement , imro activists called bulgarophile macedonians .

the third use of term can noted among scholars allied countries (above france , united kingdom) after 1915 , equal definition given cvijic (see above).

according edmund spencer:

the inhabitants part composed of rayahs, mixed race of greeks, bulgarians , serbians, who, cannot doubted, join man brethren in faith of serbia , upper moesia. must therefore evident great danger apprehended rule of osmanli in these provinces, successful inroad of serbian nationality macedonia; people have tradition of right, , former greatness, aided powerful ties of race , creed


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