R List of federally recognized tribes

ramona band of cahuilla, california

(formerly ramona band or village of cahuilla mission indians of california)
red cliff band of lake superior chippewa indians of wisconsin
red lake band of chippewa indians, minnesota
redding rancheria, california
redwood valley or little river band of pomo indians of redwood valley rancheria california

(previously listed redwood valley rancheria of pomo indians of california
reno-sparks indian colony, nevada
resighini rancheria, california

(formerly coast indian community of yurok indians of resighini rancheria)
rincon band of luiseno mission indians of rincon reservation, california
robinson rancheria band of pomo indians, california

(previously listed robinson rancheria of pomo indians of california}
rosebud sioux tribe of rosebud indian reservation, south dakota
round valley indian tribes, round valley reservation, california

(previously listed round valley indian tribes of round valley reservation, california)

(formerly covelo indian community)


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