Reforms 2011–15 Myanmar political reforms

1 reforms

1.1 corruption
1.2 political reforms
1.3 censorship
1.4 human rights
1.5 economics


aung san suu kyi appears on front pages after decades of censorship.

nevertheless, government has embarked reforms toward liberal democracy, mixed economy, , reconciliation, although motives of such reforms still debated.


in march 2012, pyidaungsu hluttaw passed law increase wages of public sector employees, including soldiers, additional cost-of-living allowance of 30,000 kyat ($38 usd), along daily wage increase of 1,100 2,100 kyat ($1.40-$2.70) full-time employees, purportedly tackle corruption in government. law effective 1 april 2012, when burmese by-elections, 2012 take place.

on 12 march 2012, voice, weekly news journal published article highlighted 6 ministries: ministry of information, ministry of mines, ministry of agriculture , irrigation, ministry of industry 1 , ministry of industry 2, misusing funds , misstating finances, based on internal parliamentary audit reports. 2 days later, ministry of mines announced file lawsuit against journal.

political reforms

the pro-democracy leader, aung san suu kyi released house arrest on 13 november 2010. after release, held series of dialogues president thein sein , minister aung kyi. although discussions not publicised, state media reported 2 sides have agreed set aside differences , work in matters of common interests benefit country , people aung san suu kyi s ability travel freely throughout country seen improvement compared trips in 2003 met government sponsored massacre.

aung san suu kyi s party, national league democracy boycotted 2010 election. election law enacted spdc did not allow ex-prisoners become members of registered political parties. if nld decided register, have expel members imprisoned. in november, government erased clause in parliamentary section. after amendments, nld leaders have unanimously decided register by-election.


the government has relaxed press , internet censorship laws, example allowing photographs of aung san suu kyi published on front page of local newspapers. tint swe, head of country s censorship authority, press scrutiny , registration division, said censorship incompatible democratic practices , should abolished. presidential adviser has indicated press censorship abolished in 2012 under new media legislation. in september 2011, several banned websites including youtube, democratic voice of burma , voice of america have been unblocked.

in january 2012, ministry of information announced had forwarded draft of new media , press law attorney general s office review. draft law, need approved pyidaungsu hluttaw (national parliament), borrows language similar laws in cambodia, indonesia , vietnam. draft law, adapted 1962 printers , publishers registration law, not submitted during second parliamentary session.

in march 2012, minister of information, kyaw hsan, said country undergoing 3-step process in reforming media regulation: (1) relaxation of regulations allow individual publications exercise self-censorship , accountability, (2) promulgation of new print media law, (3) regulation of print media through new print media law. on similar note, yi htut, information , public relations division s director-general stated new media law avoid extremes of past, outline journalists rights , responsibilities , in consultation unesco experts regard new law.

human rights

the government has convened independent national human rights commission (nhrc) consisting of 15 retired bureaucrats , academics. analysts have questioned panel s , ability challenge government, commission has challenged president s claims there no political prisoners in myanmar, calling political prisoners release.

two general amnesties held in 2011 releasing between 10,000 , 40,000 prisoners, although 300 of them considered political prisoners monitor groups such assistance association political prisoners (aapp). after second general amnesty, prominent prisoners of conscience such comedian zarganar have been released, while others such 8888 uprising leader min ko naing remained in prison. government approved nhrc s suggestion relocate political prisoners family members can contact them. there varying definitions of political prisoner , amnesty international , nld consider myanmar have 600 political prisoners. on 13 january 2012, amnesty announced, freeing 88 generation student group activists min ko naing, htay kywe, ko ko gyi, nilar thein, mie mie, , mya aye, shan leader khun htun oo, saffron revolution leader u gambira, former prime minister khin nyunt, blogger nay phone latt, , number of imprisoned democratic voice of burma reporters. of march 2012, various organisations have identified upwards of 619 remaining political prisoners (aap has identified 413) in jail. of april 2013, according assistance association political prisoners, there 176 political prisoners, in burmese prisons. on 23 july 2013, amnesty announced , 73 political prisoners released, 100 political prisoners still remained.

in october 2011, government passed new international labour organization-approved legislation allows labour unions @ least 30 members, right strike, given 2 weeks notice. law, effective 9 march 2012, provides punishment of employers dismiss workers on strike or unionised workers year in prison , fine of 100,000 kyat, punishment of workers stage illegal strikes, year in jail , fine of 30,000 kyat.

on 16 march 2012, ministry of labour signed memorandum of understanding ilo end forced labour 2015.

the government has however, denied presence of other human right issues such alleged army abuses against ethnic minorities, claiming in ethnic areas, local insurgent groups violate human rights. government has accused kachin independence army of planting bombs, destroying bridges , trading in illegal drugs. insurgent groups have resumed fighting since 2008 ceasefire in opposition new constitution of myanmar requires armed forces under control of national defense service. peace talks held in november reach compromise.


since 2011, myanmar has embarked on policy reforms of anti-corruption laws, currency exchange rates, foreign investment laws , taxation. foreign investment increased us$300 million in 2009-10 us$20 billion in 2010-11, (about 667%). large inflow of capital resulted in stronger valuation of kyat (burmese currency) 25 percent. in response, government relaxed import restrictions , abolished export taxes. despite current currency problems, burmese economy expected grow 8.8 percent in 2011.

myanmar has complex foreign exchange system black markets, foreign exchange certificates, , multiple exchange rates. on request of government alleviate souring currency conditions, international monetary fund (imf) team visited myanmar in october. after visit, government allowed private banks engage in foreign exchange market.

the central bank of myanmar embarking on plan unify country s multiple exchange rate system. april 2012 april 2013, official exchange rate of 6.4 kyats $1 usd (a rate has not changed since 1977, when pegged imf s special drawing rights) floated up, foster interbank money market. 2013 2014, used informal black market rate eliminated. informal exchange rates used daily transactions, while overvalued official exchange rate used calculate government revenue , state-owned enterprises. there other informal exchange rates, such exchange rate used un agencies , international ngos (450 kyat $1 usd in 2010), customs rate, , official market rate. such discrepancies have distorted national accounts (since firms required report transactions in burmese kyat @ official rate) , reduced transparency , accountability. according banking sources, official exchange rate raised , set @ 820 kyat per usd. on 2 april 2012, central bank of myanmar began trading @ new reference exchange rate of 818 kyat 1 dollar.

in march 2012, draft foreign investment law emerged, first in more 2 decades. law oversee unprecedented liberalisation of economy. foreigners no longer require local partner start business in country, because able legally lease land. draft law stipulates burmese citizens must constitute @ least 25% of firm s skilled workforce, , training, increased in increments of 25% 75% in subsequent years.


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