External links Cessationism versus Continuationism

the ultimate cessationism resource, compiled nathan w. bingham
pouring holy water on strange fire, frank viola critiques john macarthur s cessationism
can cessationism proven scriptures, published in sword , trowel magazine, london metropolitan tabernacle
the end of charismatic gifts, published free brethren house churches of christ. article conveys perspective of moderate cessationism.
pentecostalism, charismatic , faith movements, series of articles charismata, seen perspective of empirical cessationism
gaffin s cessationist exegesis of ephesians 2:20, r. fowler white s article dealing gaffin s cessationist exegesis of eephesians 20:20 reply grudem s book gift of prophecy in new testament , today
tim challies interview wayne grudem: continuationism , cessationism part 1, part 2
questions cessationists should ask: biblical examination of cessationism
desiring god series : signs , wonders today?
desiring god 1991 pastor s conference : spiritual gifts , sovereignty of god (featuring wayne grudem)
are miraculous gifts today ? part 1, part 2
are apostles today ?
are prophets foundational church ?
the case continuationism
on cessation of charismata jon ruthven (revised edition forthcoming, word , spirit press, 2011).
[1] ephesians 2:20 , foundational gifts.
wels topical q&a - gifts of spirit(confessional lutheran perspective)


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